Can these pieces of shit really cool down the laptop?

can these pieces of shit really cool down the laptop?
They can't even fucking blow up a piece of paper

Attached: 81XQAT9T8MS.jpg (1500x1011, 270.75K)

oh for crying out loud either get a console or a gaming pc.
What's this gaming laptop nonsense.

I run graphics-related and ML stuff using the GPU of the gaming laptop. Can't really buy a PC right now or else I would have.

They can but in order to push sufficient CFM to drop temps dramatically they would become as loud as a vacuum. Thus most are only going to drop temps by a few degrees at most. You'll have dramatically higher temp drops if you replace the dogshit bulk TIM that's probably already bone dry and cracked.

can you at least tell me the full form of these?

You fucking bullshiter, you're not doing "ML stuff". You're just playing video gays.

I'm not making ML stuff I'm running stuff made in ML

>on a laptop
Use an hpc cluster instead of a gimped laptop if you want to do any real number crunching


Attached: 1646169556279.png (1200x1095, 96.49K)

I'm running DeepFaceLab to make videos of my oneitis, happy now?

-5c best case

stop being dishonest

>They can't even fucking blow up a piece of paper
I thought they were sucking the hot air out. Why would they fight against the internal fan that tries to push hot air out of the case?

Depends on the vents on your laptop, but yes they are surprisingly effective.v
Get one with a 20cm fan, and it will be whisper quiet.

then why is the graphical representation of them blowing a tornado?
this one with one fan?

Attached: 21gCYsS7sIL.jpg (300x300, 7.5K)

>these pieces of shit
Probably not considering you're cooling the case.
I attached a Delta blower fan (60W) to the bottom of my laptop.
It cooled my temperatures from 80C down to 35C in about a minute.

Every laptop cooling design I've encountered blows air up from the bottom and out the sides. Mostly out the side through the hinge.
Creating a cooling pad that sucks air would be counterproductive and probably not even that good unless it's a blower fan with a very tight gasket around the laptop.

Friend of mine used cooling pad like this back in 2006. Worked for him. Next time he got an notebook with better cooling.

>more ventilation than smothering the vent by setting it down on a couch, bed, or sweaty sausage casing pant legs
>wtf it cooler now!
Who could have predicted this?

Attached: 20220605_120524-01.jpg (963x929, 279.61K)

CFM - Cubic Feet per minute, a measure of how much air volume a fan moves, the more volume the better the cooling.
TIM = Thermal Interface Material, a fancy pants gay ass name for what used to be called thermal grease or paste.

>Every laptop cooling design I've encountered blows air up from the bottom and out the sides.
You're right, I didn't think this through. The bottom holes are for taking in replacement air. Air gets only pushed out from the side. I was picturing that they all push out and forgot that there needs to be an intake as well.