My air conditioner just broke and it's 93 degrees in my house

My air conditioner just broke and it's 93 degrees in my house.

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Celcius, I assume?

It's -20c over here. If my heaters would stop I would literally freeze to death.
Now stop bitching

uhhh why?

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just buy a new house


Stop using retardo burgo measurements

What's the wet bulb temperature?

How can there be negative heat?

6 football fields worth of 9/11s

Jesus that sucks bro

All I know is burger measurements sorry
Any Forumsro

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rob that you?

Uhm... cause we use metric and not kelvin?

Its fine unless you have a power outage and no fire wood. I do enjoy all the snow. Its up to my waist if I go outside


Its not metric though
Haha u r dum

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Uuuhhhhhhh.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m.mmmmmmmmmmmm

Based terry
Hes catching trains in heaven now

Where the fuck do you live that its 93 in february

LOL yes it is. It says -20 celsius on my thermometer.

7c below boiling!