How do people find drugs?

How do people find drugs?

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If you have to ask you shouldn't be doing them as you're clearly not intelligent enough to figure it out yourself let alone use drugs responsibly or hide them from the police.

They go outside and ask homeless people to sell them some

Parties and shit

they ask your mom

Adding onto this, asking this question on fucking Any Forums of all places, a hub for glowniggers looking to glow. It's like asking a police officer how to get away with murder.

You have shit for brains if you think this
Ooo big scary po leese on tha innawebs o lawdy consequences will never be the same

they go to the drugstore, and buy some. next question.

Some of them are pretty ok, I guess.

Just go to any bad neighborhood. The CIA sprinkles little baggies of drugs everywhere. Like an Easter egg hunt.

I found a bag of meth on the ground at a truck stop once

this is a surefire way to get stabbed to death and have rats eat your corpse.

On horseshit

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To be fair, if there's a way to get away with murder, the police would know it.

I found a newspaper wrapping full of cocaine in my apartment building parking lot. I find weed constantly.

Its cow shit dumbass. And most cattle feed has an anti fungal so they cows dont trip out and wreck shit. You just dont want a 2,000 pound animal tripping balls and not knowing whats going on.

No they make sense.

Yeah I do.

Don't I?

don't you what dumbass?

Ok it would be funny. But not if one of them decides to head butt your truck or something.

On a somewhat related note: how do people find prostitutes?

Fuck my truck. I'd get a goddamn new truck.