Imagine if Trump did this

Imagine if Trump did this

Attached: imagine if Trump did it....png (1080x1061, 856.99K)

weak b8

I really doubt a hazmat team rushed anywhere to do anything. Have you seen America's cities? AIDS infected poo and AIDS infected needles everywhere. No one is rushing to clean that up

>Imagine if Trump did this
there'd be pages of National Archive documents in the poo mix

Cuckshits would proudly roll in his street shit claiming it's somehow 5d anti congress power play while they voluntarily die of cholera

Holy fuck
You're the same Jew that tried to say it was fake lol

Get a job israeli schmuck

Attached: 3AT 5HIT [√] dirty jew rat shill Π[!]¶¶€®.png (1079x881, 304.61K)

Facts ≠ bait

yes yes this pixelated splotch of reflective light blue is definitely shit and piss all over the entire city. its so you had to put a bunch of red arrows just so people could delude themselves that piss and shit is blue and shiny. wew lad.

Imagine if Trump had done what he promised and locked that hag and the rest of the leadership of the Democratic party up. Instead, we have King Biden installed as president tearing our freedoms away day by day. Sad!

I also heard that Lincon's stagecoach sometimes had horse poop around it. Are you still angry about that too, lol?

Really weak effort Vlad- go back and lick daddy Putin's balls so more to gain forgiveness.

Republicunt traitors are the ones taking away freedoms right now.
Fuck lying trump and FUCK YOU.

>Imagine if Trump did this
He did this over the entire nation every time he opened his mouth

Attached: !!0_1889 Ridicule is safer than facts.. - a kike.png (1079x1155, 281.47K)

Says the kike shill

Attached: £øLn @ ¡{i¡{€$ 110 .148357&1889.-.jpg (604x614, 176.71K)

LOL...stay mad while you hide in your home from the flu, libtard.

Nice trips, tho.

why don't you say "that's fake" anymore?
Oh because that was the quickest way to tell who was Jewish lol

Attached: 2022-02-04-00-38-05.png (1080x1098, 387.13K)

Trump would easily do something like that and you would defend him. Why are you stupid enough to ask questions like this?

Says the Russian troll.

No one said that's fake. You're used to people saying you are full of shit in other threads, safe to assume.

Based Hillary. It's Atlanta you pussy, she improved it.

Wrong again asshole.
Have you ever been right? About anything? Ever?
Stupid, lying shithead.

>why dont you say what i want or expect you to say?
>why dont you speak in contrived buzz words and phrases?

its called using your brain, trumptard.

Dafuq you smoking? The right isn't taking any any rights, and the left is trying to take them all.

Are you really so shit-for-brains that you can see or understand common sense?