
unironically why should I not use it?

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I tried to install the "recommended" Nvidia driver and then it black screened and somehow the OS was ruined. Had to reinstall it. Then halfway through reinstalling I realized it just isn't worth the fucking headache. Haven't used it since. Never looked back.

It uses apt
It's based on ubuntu, it is a fork of a fork
It's kernel is quite old
Use something arch based instead for your desktop computer. Thebean is for servers and a decade old computers.

Because it just works and thats bad. Also based on ubuntu, who have connections to amazon and microsoft, mint debian doesnt have that problem though so its literally perfect.

Because it's ancient at this point in its lifecycle. It'll be kino in another month or so when the new version drops.

anything not rolling release = into the trash
enjoy waiting 6 months for new shit or being forced to coompile it yourself lol

what is your main OS distro then, out of curiosity?

im Devuan which is debian without systemd, a bit more minimal than mint

arch, i used fedora and mint before that

I'm new to linux. Made the switch start of May, using Mints Edge release. It has been a fairly educational but comfortable experience.


Too old at this point, Mint 21 based on Ubuntu 22.04 will be out in month or two

How to install wine? I fuck up everything after fresh install chimaera.


>LTS 20.04 Focal Fossa
>5.4 kernel

Unless you use Mint Debian Edition

i switched to it from ubuntu. it starts out well, but cinnamon is such a huge pile of dogshit bugs started appearing after a few months. im switching back to ubuntu now. fuck mint.
>inb4 just use MATE bro
no thanks. id rather use a DE that's actually maintained, no matter how bloated it is (not much)

Just use the fucking os if you want to

it's pretty good
LTS is good for actually getting stuff done instead of tinkering endlessly

its literally just windows but runs faster

It's awesome