WHY are zoomers so desperate to get everyone on their (((app)))

WHY are zoomers so desperate to get everyone on their (((app)))

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>dropdown menu
>desktop mode

no issues

you can use old.reddit.com
or a foss app like slide


I swear to god you could use a userscript on Any Forums to replace every instance of zoomer with millenial and always get the right outlook

oldest zoomers are 23.
the majority are children

if you were as impoverished as them you'd be grifting too.

>WHY are zoomers so desperate to get everyone on their (((app)))
they can spy on you more from their app than they can in a web browser. this makes them more money. Isn't this obvious?

This is millennials and genx doing this. Boomers are still in college.
As for why, to milk users as efficiently as possible of course.


No clue. They demand I use the app to access nsfw subreddits too, so I just access desktop mode and keep browsing while not having an account.

Easy. Apps grant permissions to look at your emails, contact lists, messages, what other apps you have installed, your photos, your geo location, and on and on

or just filter both keywords for a much improved browsing experience.

Old.reddit.com solves this problem completely.

However, twitter and instagram are still affected.

Would have thought it would be the opposite, apple/google would ban nsfw content? Unless it's some sort of attempt to force them to allow porn?

Use teddit and nitter.

Oldest Zoomers are 25

alright, how does that take away from my point?

cause app feeds you ads which is harder to block than in browser and also harvests more info about you

is there another front end for insta too?

It doesn't? I'm just autistic and needed to correct this.

Apps are much easier to glean individual user data from.
If there's a push from a website to get people to use an app, it's because they want to sell data.

he doesnt have the reddit app
he bussin fr fr no cap

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