Why do not car doors slide like a minivan?

why do not car doors slide like a minivan?

Attached: OIP (19).jpg (474x266, 17.8K)

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An open sliding driver door would block backseat passengers from getting out

Attached: OIP (20).jpg (474x316, 31.57K)

Puegeot 1007 pic related.

Its fuckin junk

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toyota porte

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A few years ago it felt like every elderly person that was still driving had that car.
t. a german guy

thank you.

Maybe because it can be fitted for wheelchair access or something

low insurance rate and long sevice intervals

Hmm, hinges seem kinda archaic. Let's add more moving parts that can fail.

Mia more
was a small electric car with 3 seats.

Forgot Pic

Attached: MIA-ELECTRIC.jpg (643x429, 43.62K)

>european cuckold cars
never felt more grateful to live in the states

Kaiser darrin doors slid foreward.

Attached: 54-Kaiser-Darrin_Conv_DV-08_CbS_i006-800.jpg.jpg (800x531, 88.32K)

Bmw z1 doors slid downwards.

Attached: bmw_z1_sf1.jpg.jpg (530x370, 42.24K)

Best car ever

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structure is weaker. Vans just have to haul junk around. cars are used by driving enthusiasts.


A driving enthusiast will drive anything, because driving enthuses them. Nerd.

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Driving enthusiast thread!

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>Sabine Schmitz
Sadly last year she died from cancer.
I was total shock for me because I had left track of what was happening around the Nürburgring.

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Because Poland can't into space.