Is this the best game of all time?

is this the best game of all time?

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Ambitious, tedious, and you can easily guess who the killer is from the first scene he's in.
Would of been a lot better if the scenario wasn't trite AF

Attached: E8X9EgdWYAAV5Rq.jpg (750x552, 62.46K)

Nah, Beyond: Two Souls was better

>would of

Attached: 1356191678865.jpg (247x204, 8.44K)

My wee wee small

Attached: ED928BED-467A-466B-BF29-87C7763179A0.jpg (256x363, 124.56K)

Vernacular sucks when you hear it so much it sounds right

It's not even a game.
More like an interactive movie.


No. That would be the original Deus Ex.


Best game of all time is probably Diablo 2: LOD

It was a fun 'interactive-movie' style game for its time, but for a genre like that, it had too many plot-holes if you think it through even a bit

found the white nigger Any Forumstard
kill yourself immediately, and yes, i'm jewish, my people rule over you, we omnipresent, omnipotent, like gods. die goy.

This game was straight dogshit, impressive how bad it was really. The only good thing to come out of it


Don’t even fucking start David Cage
I fucking know it’s you
Nobody likes your shitty games
They are poorly written with even worse gameplay
Fuck off



> would would've

Compressed but correct, yet sounds like
> would of

Know the difference

That was so good. I wrote the author of the game about it. He wrote me back, too. Good days.

Shut up faggot
Actually play it, you will love it, the sequels are good too.
Unless you are too stupid to play it