be me

> be me
> male, kinda fat
> insecure about moobs
> decide to lose weight
> success, everyone i know says "hey user you lost so much weight"
> moobs still there

I have pretty much female fat distribution and I'm so insecure about it. Also, it's not like I can be a femboy or something, because I also have male characteristics, like balding at ripe old age of 20 or pronounced facial bones. Therefore, I look like a trans.


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fast food

It's the soy. It's in everything. Stop consuming soy and your tits will shrink.

> sugar soy fast food

Of course no, I love cooking and I prepare 90% of my meals from scratch.

cigarettes suprress the gay gene, thats why yall zoomers are gay

No you don't, you buy ingredients at the store that have added soy (lectin) ingredients.

soy and the plastics in about everying. you cant avoid it. i started noticing lately how soy is in so many things. even our clothes are made of plastic now, plastic they made feel like natural fibers.

i try to buy natural shit whenver i can, but everything is becoming some cheap made fake science made shit now. its getting hard to find stuf thats real things anymore. try finding clothes made from wool nowadays. it was common in my parents days

> No you don't, you buy ingredients at the store that have added soy (lectin) ingredients.

Yeah and where do other, normal-looking people get their food from? Trash container?

Maybe do pushups to develop your chest

Farmers markets, canning their own vegetables, watching the ingredients we buy at the store. We don't eat chink food. Stop eating the following:
Anything containing lectin (it's another word for soy)
Cows Milk

Switch to hunting ducks, geese, deer, bison, buffalo, elk, and bear. Grow a garden.

Gyno surgery, had it 14 yrs ago changed my life.
My poor son looks like he has my defect, he’s not fat but fat goes to moobs…. We will drop the $15k… at the very least before college. Maybe at 15 … life was miserable for me.

> Grow a garden.

I know you're kidding, but actually, I come from farmers' community, so I used to have access to fresh produce.

Still had moobs back then.

Ask a fucking professional and not a board filled with retards that have conspiracy theories even about food

In 2008 I went to Dr Rajogooal? Z…. In SF. Paid $7k, you can’t lose true man boobs . It’s gland, and you are fucked. Lose weight, workout, let surgery suck that out and enjoy life!

> Ask a fucking professional and not a board filled with retards that have conspiracy theories even about food

I'm not looking for advice because I know it's genetics and there's nothing I can do about it. Ultimately, I need to keep looking for someone who won't mind my negatives and will appreciate my positives. I just wanted to whine.

Post tits already


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I'm 6' 155 lbs

Go on HRT and sell your dick to china

Work out you fucking retard, everyones always like "I LOST WEIGHT BUT MY BODY STILL ISN'T CHISELED" no fucking shit that's not how it works.

> Work out you fucking retard

I hate gym, but I do shitload of cardio.