Why are they so dumb, fat, ugly and lazy?

Why are they so dumb, fat, ugly and lazy?

Attached: mexico.jpg (225x225, 6.08K)

Fuck you puto


Le acabes de dar la razón, menso

Sorry guys, wrong pic. Meant to use the American flag. Also not uploading it here because I maxed out my internet connection uploading that Mexican flag as I am from Australia. I am sorry for my absolutely shit-tier thread. Going to commit suicide now by going outside and picking a fight with some abos and maybe a kangaroo if I survive the first encounter.

Cual razón indio pendejo ¿que te dejes?

Mad WASPy druggy white trash at the realization that the actual destruction of druggy waspy is not the judeomasonic communist int conspiracy but the fertile, young and healthier genome of mexicans, the most relevant mixed population in the world sooner than later taking over murrica demographically

Attached: 1644937511571.jpg (546x821, 150.99K)

Defender lo indefensible? Hay gente que es más que otra gente. Si se vale defenderse

sounds like America tbh

Attached: 8272f9edd1b919e1234f589f6de1ca78.jpg (1280x905, 112.93K)

The “capitalists” pushing of nigs as their poster child has ramped up significantly please take over the government sooner rather than later already
Need right

I keep seeing so many research papers where lab mice have lived twice their age and wonder when we are going to get it and who will take it. I think the research will keep flowing and turn into treatments and you will be able to keep buying life extension, stack it and live forever.

yes, they are lazy as hell
Get away of the NAFTA agreement

it's in their race and genes

Spics so slow bro even the rich white ones pretty dumb

Olvidaste decir cobardes maricas poco confiables hipocritas sin honor gandallas ladrones asesinos animales sin humanidad pobres desgraciados doble moral sin etica pitochicos estupidos tercer mundistas de mierda, empezando por la policia terminando en el presidente. Mexico es una mierda que no deberia ser llamado pais es una pinche panda de todo lo anterior mencionado. Mexicano aqui disfrutando de los mexicanos.

It's fun

Attached: be9350c9-ad45-4491-be24-015beb2e893d.jpg (895x1119, 256.2K)

#TRUMP2024 #BORDER #MAGA ese kek

>Cual razón indio pendejo ¿que te dejes?
wey, estás mejor en hispachan, el thread era un baitazo y te lo tragaste entero
samefag as Te proyectas bien macizo bro

> please be our new jews

They aren't all dumb, fat, and lazy. I've worked with thousands of Mexicans, and they have their bad apples, just as any nationality will have.

The Spanish

Attached: Pre Post columbian bait image 2.jpg (2200x1187, 1.65M)

>Pre Post columbian bait image 2.jpg

You got the wrong flag. You're describing the USA