What is this bro am i gonna die

What is this bro am i gonna die

(this is on my Thigh and its the size of a lime)

Attached: 20220216_010600-min.jpg (3456x4624, 1.16M)

Looks like an abcess, cut it open and drain it. Pour alcohol inside and keep it clean til it heals. Record cutting and post.... for science

Go to a fucking clinic retard nigger

Attached: image_2022-02-15_221749.png (234x249, 70.95K)

Looks like nipple.

Whatever the fuck it is that your nipples look like, i hope you dont pass it down to your children

Could be carbuncle my friend had one once and it got real large get that checked homie


You need to go to a doctor/clinic. Just go to a walk in place, they'll hook you up but you need to go.

Shit. Hate to tell you this, but that's ligma, my dude.

I don't think that's an abscess.

What’s Ligma?

Looks like a cyst. Make a derm appointment

shut up shut up SHUT UP


Lmao I hope dude is just joking xD


Is it hot? Cold? Painful? Movable under skin? Fixed to something underneath? Loose? How long did it take to manifest?

its warm and doesnt hurt unless i poke it, and also doesnt move at all

not necessarily but I would definitely recommend a professionals opinion

This is most likely some sort of (hopefully) noncancerous tumor/growth. You need to be seen for evaluation, most likely an MRI, and surgical resection so they can send the growth to a pathologist and get more information. Post a follow-up thread with all the details so I can see. Thanks!

How long did it take to get to this point, as far as you know? Give me a timeline. Describe the texture of "poking" it. Is it hard, firm, squishy, lumpy? Use your words, OP, this is your life we are talking about.

No one’s gonna say it? I’ll say it..

Ligma balls bitch

Varicose vein maybe?

"Quaid, start the reactor!"