Hi from Russia. Ask your answers

Hi from Russia. Ask your answers.

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What country are you from?



do Russians think theres any chance of war breaking out at all?

What? You about rule?

A part like me think, that war will start on 3:00 p.m. After 46 minutes. A part don`t worry about it. Heads from TV talk, than NATO wants to fuck us and our wifes.

post some nudes of your gf

Why is NATO seen as both the largest threat to Russia as well as being seen as the most incompetent, impotent force by Russia? Feels very 1984 to me.


I haven`t a girlfriend. : /

can i get a job with an energy company?

Does Russia have its own Any Forums? If so, is it full of American shitposters pretending to be Russians and tranny's too?

Becouse Soviet Union legacy and regular propaganda. WE ARE STRONG. ENEMIES SUCKS, BUT BE AFRAID.

Yes, you do.

what do you know about Digitigrade?

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If we go to war and our nations try to wipe us out, will Russians still uses Any Forums to post gay retarded threads so we can all laugh and jerk off together?

What a world. Bombs dropping from both countries. Entire cities being erased from history. The fate of human civilization at the fingertips of a balding masochist and a autistic Alzheimer patient. Meanwhile the faggots from both countries join together on Any Forums to roast each other and post WWYD nudes of their exes from both countries

2 more weeks

Пoчeмy вы нe мoжeтe вoccтaть пpoтив ypoдoв, кoтopыe oтнocятcя к вaм кaк кo cкoтy, oбкpaдывaют вac и живyт в pocкoши зa вaш cчёт?

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Of course. It`s 2ch.hk. The most part of posters is rus-speaking peoples. I have never seen eng-speakers, but know, what many 2chers on this site too.

yo tell me what all that baby scribble means

It`s about transgendering information to computers?

That sad truth, but funny for me. May be it`s a reason for all of that? I really believe, that our enemy are people from South.

I don`t fucking know. Really. But good opposition is not be.

>1-st pic.
7.5 billions dollars for road 48 km long.
>2 pic.
2.5 billions dollars for fly to Mars.

Maybe instead of waiting for that perfect unicorn of political opposition to appear you should go with anyone whose actions and words do not diverge. Someone who gets shit done.
And even if eventually there are several people like that, they should be ready to swallow their ego and work together on finally removing the parasites on top.

Not a question -- but I introduced my American parents to kvass the other day. They liked it. Go Russia!

ok, post a picture of your asshole

>Nur'Sultan is called Astana
How old is that map??
