Even Democrats want her investigated and tried now. Sounds to me like a bunch of her pals want to save themselves

Even Democrats want her investigated and tried now. Sounds to me like a bunch of her pals want to save themselves.
INb4 "hurr durr

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Hillary Derangement Syndrome is a thing, I see

Kill yourself Ivan. No one buys your retardation.

Most of us always hated her ass. It was women and trannies that supported her, no one voted for Trump, just against Hillary just like we had to with Biden. Fuck Trumps unamerican nigger ass but fuck Hillary more

I need you to understand that if someone is a criminal and has done illegal things we want them prosecuted and convicted

Who gives a fuck, no one liked the stupid corrupt bitch anyway

The irony of that statement

She’s the most unpopular candidate in recent memory. They had to rig a primary just to get a nomination.

No. Fuck Trump about 10,000 times more. That criminal lowlife subhuman needs to PAY for what he's done to this country.

>rig a primary
you're a retard.

True, but if it was Trump vs Hillary again Id vote the fat trailer nigger over the shrieking banshee

Riiiiight...meanwhile Trumps tax attornies just quit and said the last 10yrs of his taxes cant be trusted lol.

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There's so many levels where should we start? She let her husband fuck an enormous amount of teens, and women. She's weak.

>n n n n no it w w w was fair
Fuck off, freak.

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Sure thing, Vlad.

you would hope that anyone would want a potential hacking of whitehouse servers for political gain to be investigated irrespective of political affiliation.

but reading some of these comments- its sadly not the case.

>Even Democrats
No one ever wanted her except for the assholes in the DNC taking bribes to kick out Bernie

this is not about Trump and his tax evasion- this is about a political candidate and past secretary of State possibly hacking into another parties servers before he election, and white house servers after the election for political gain.

LMFAO Libs believe literally anything

It's pretty sad that I can guess your political affiliation from this post

Baa you fucking sheep.

The Russiagate Hoax was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign with the full support of U.S. media and Democrat allies in the FBI.

>what are superdelegates
You’re the retard.

It's so fucking strange. It seems libtards want to hold everyone accountable to the same standard. I don't get it.

WOw, this is a pretty schizophrenic thread. Bunch of Bernie Bros and angry boy Killary supporters inhaling equal parts copium and seethium. Everone claiming it's a nothingburger and that they don't care, but they flood every post about her, foaming at the mouth and clawing at their faces. Gonna be a great fucking year.

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