Will Biden resign or be removed from office?

Will Biden resign or be removed from office?

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Neither, unfortunately.

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kill yourself.

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Reelected in 2024
Get vaxed trumpfag

rents due, tell your landlord i said hi

TDS. No one mentioned Trump before your post.

You expect him to be mentally capable of resigning?
I've been saying this since last year, what's probably going to happen is he's either going to be assassinated or removed by congress so the real guys in charge can get their time in charge.
Biden is nothing but a stepping stone. Pretty much no matter what happens at this point, the deep state wins. Can't kill him? Well then you only have to worry about the old cum sock blabbing his mouth a little too much. Get him out somehow? Well then you get someone else in his place who isn't suffering from cognitive degeneration.

TDS isn't a thing.

Simple answer, no.

>in charge can get their time in charge
Forgive my retardism, I meant "in power". As in directly.

Neither was collusion.

Neither was the vaccine preventing spread.

If biden was removed from office...wouldnt kamala harris just be moved up the totem pole until the next election?



And she's slightly less retarded, and thus slightly more dangerous. Government takeovers are a chess game that most people can't really comprehend.


What you need to understand is that anything political posted here is pointless because Any Forums is mostly a bunch of racist white teens who don't know dick about anything other than anime body pillows

Neither. The American population consists of two whorehouses who fight one another for the privilege of sucking corporate cock. They yell freedom while paying their taxes and dying in wars that are irrelevant to themselves, just like all slaves do. It doesn't matter if it's a retarded wind-mill fighting Jabba de Trump or a dementia-ridden diaper-muppet like Biden. Americans will get down on their knees, put on some lip gloss, then suck all cocks waved at them. That's what the country was founded on, and that's how it will remain. Nothing will change, no one will be removed or forced to resign.

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"Discussion with a different opinion is pointless."

When did liberals adopt this strategy? You guys didn't use to be this scared.

And yet they probably have a better understanding of the situation than you.

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Hey, racist white teen here.
Wanna hook a Any Forumsro up with a source for that pic?

Except it absolutely was. They didn't exactly hide it.

Attached: Donald Trump+Vladimir Putin+Helsinki+Summit+Press Conference+Body Language+Expert+EQ+Emotional Intelligence+Nonverbal+Speaker+Keynote+Consultant+Los Angeles+Las Vegas+California+NYC+Orlando.png (1600x1074, 1.48M)

Shigure Kousaka from Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple. One of muh gurls. I was able to find that one for sale on Mercari Japan.

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That is correct. Just like you will never have a diploma.

fall off the stairs and die

>P R O J E C T I O N

Neither. He's in a different social class that doesn't suffer consequences for being shitty.

Apparently they must've hid it well enough for the actual investigation to come up with little more than facebook ads, if that is the case.

God bless, user

He's gonna die and it's gonna be hilarious.