Anyone miss old technology? Msn messenger, chatrooms, yahoo chat booters and bots, gamespy, hacking myspace accounts

Anyone miss old technology? Msn messenger, chatrooms, yahoo chat booters and bots, gamespy, hacking myspace accounts.

Attached: 1469117487-messenger-nudge.gif (359x277, 230.35K)

Yes. I’m fascinated by old internet. I miss going on /x/ and clicking random links to pages that hadn’t changed since the 90s

I definitely miss the time before everything was part of an interlinked surveillance network that stores everything you say and keeps it forever

It's not so much the tech, it's the people running it. Most of those things you mentioned still exist, they just suck now. I spent my childhood and teen years on some chatroom discussing Nintendo games, roleplaying battles between weeb characters, and troling the shit out of people. I was toxic as fuck and nobody could stop me. On the off chance the mods bothered lifting a finger, I could just change my IP and come back. It was great. Nowadays, you can't type a single N before some unpaid janny bans you because the internet has been overtaken by oversensitive normies. Well, at least there's this shithole.

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Also confirmed for yahoo chat and ICQ.

Phone: [autistic screeching]

yahoo voice chats were pretty entertaining

msn messenger didn't used to have profile pictures

Yes, I miss being able to download whatever I want without cops and people with their fucking hands out.

Aye I miss the old stuff especially MSN messenger because you could change the little text beside your username and could set your image to anything you wanted.

Yeah best years of my life :)

Randomly booting angry people was better than porn in early 00's.

You forgot to mention the other shitholes like this one (ex. 8 chan before it got nuked)

OH LORD!!!! I had forgotten the "bombs" that would wipe out a whole chat with a single key stroke!

The empty threats were golden. So many internet badasses in soliloquy.

My brother had icq installed on our computer so I didn't know what the notifications sound like. I was looking out the window when it made that uh oh sound.

That sound would always get my heart pounding any time I heard it, eventually I stopped using it because no one had it installed, like what was the point in trying to use that if no one had it?
So I got rid of it.

So fucking much. Mostly because the quality of people was higher back then. Now every knuckle dragger with two brain cells is online spewing ignorance and hate.

Ah, the good ol'days.

a lot of trojans had icq addresses to send you the persons ip etc...

Yes and no. It was as much of a time sink as social media is for people these days. I personally miss using my imagination.

irc msn was fun times