Daily reminder that using le Advanced Computer-Expert™ tool (LaTeX, vim, Linux) is usually slower and worse

Daily reminder that using le Advanced Computer-Expert™ tool (LaTeX, vim, Linux) is usually slower and worse.

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Having written an entire doctorate thesis in Word. I never want to experience that fucking nightmare again.
Fuck dealing with images and citations in Word.

LaTeX is a mathematics and science formula formatting tool not a "Computer-Expert tool". Stop being such a tool.

Nice citing your source. I could write the exact opposite on a latex page and screen shot it and post it here for le internet points. Go write advance proofs in word. I am sure its not a giant headache. Also format it in a correct way. This article(if its real) was probably written with a bias to just writing essays.

Post link. Let's see where this "study" comes from.

>LaTeX users are slow
>Thus I conclude that Linux is bad
Opinion discarded, all fields

Attached: 1640816038018.png (649x763, 505.59K)

>it's a "study"


This is why I use Mac

Your screen shot has nothing written about either of these two things.

Latex is for programmers forced to write in human language.
>But muh maths
Word can do formulae for quite a while now
>Muh citations
Use zotero plugins for word

That's why I use org-mode. Nearly all of the benefits of LaTeX while being at the same time much easier to read and write.

irregardless, org export is more practical and less error-prone than direct latex or word

Depends on the size of the document and how much do you care about perfect and consistent formatting. For any serious work M$ word is masochism.
Infinitely useful for a very quick edit. Works without any hassle over ssh too.
Again, depends on what you do. Apple shit is an overpriced scam so that goes into the trash implicitly.People who use the machine for the browser and nothing else couldn't tell the difference between OSes so it doesn't matter for them. Developing software under windows is a fucking nightmare, you couldn't pay me enough to do that. I could see the more creative-oriented people hating the experience however.

Goalposts status: moved

>Word can do formulae for quite a while now
not with proper spacing you cannot

>survey sponsored by Microsoft TM

posers use latex
knowers use troff


Everyone who uses Computer Modern deserves to have their paper erased. Configure your fucking font.


he’s right. stop having spasms