My Chinese gf is pregnant

My Chinese gf is pregnant
She was supposed to be the practice gf

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just unpregnant her
thats what i did

I’m pro life

Cool. Then deal with it. Don't post here. There's no advice. Your life is truly ruined from hereon in. I mean that. Get ready for a life of depression. Take your misery elsewhere.

She'll drop it under a truck or out a window pretty quick, so don't sweat it.

Would be a living nightmare getting a nigger or chunk pregnant

Fucking moron

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Enjoy your mutant hapa spawnling.

Racist bastards

nigger its called a condom, also there is such thing as birth control

He’s got a point you know

Is she rich?

Her dad works at the embassy


Then think long and hard about your next steps. Knocking up a chink ambassador daughter could come sort benefits if he’s high up in the structure and is wealthy. You’ve got to ask yourself this question.
>do you think you can do better than her?

Arent they all. This goes back to the ancient joke of yo momma so ugly her parents had to tie a steak aroud her neck just so the dog would play with her.

Marry her OP, just imagine the wonders you have to look forward to. Congratulations

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I was about to agree, but you're a degenerate.
I haven't seen fnaf in so long and that cursed shit is not what I wanted to see.

Now you have to kill her

I’m not black

Hire a nigger.