I don't get it, how did life get like this, everything was easy back in 2009-15, best music, great games...

I don't get it, how did life get like this, everything was easy back in 2009-15, best music, great games, no problems to live with.

Is this just getting old? Nothing is fun anymore, I wish I could go back and be oblivious to the worlds problems again, I miss old times.

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Hey, that’s where I bought my first real six string

You were 12, thats literally the answer
And by 12 I mean young. You were stupid and more easily influenced by the garbage media you consumed and that in turn shaped your "taste"
Every generation feels that and the fact that you can't let go means you're childish and have no personality, which is why you yearn for more media to consume
Ask some boomers and they'll tell you Leave it to Beaver was the greatest

This, I started to feel that way back in 2000

For me personally things really went to shit in 2015 because of all the rhetoric about Trump. He was only a populist and I was dismayed at how many people jumped aboard the hate train. These people never gave a fuck about anything political in their entire lives until the tv told them to hate a dude.

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I'm not saying I like Trump and I'm not saying I hate Trump. The point I'm trying to make is, I was disappointed at how easily people were manipulated. I guess that could be applied to Trump supporters too

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Part of it is getting old, yes.

But for the most part, our future has been sabotaged.

Yeah that really exposed just how far we have fallen. I remember being dismayed after voting for Nader instead of Gore or Bush and all that bullshit. At least Bush had some sort of platform and didn't treat his administration like a low rating reality tv show. Obama really helped restore international confidence and my own in the US but that was because I ignored the Tea Party and never seriously thought they could have any place in the government. I blame the DNC for kicking Bernie out of the runnings.

our future is fucking GONE and they have already injured MILLIONS with the injections and set precedent for freedom to be extinguished globally, it's more than just getting old

>Obama really helped restore international confidence
That was the appearance, in your eyes at least. He was just an actor playing a role for powerful jews behind the stage.

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I used to think like this. But then i just realised that looking at things I don't like makes me angry. So I stopped doing things that make me angry like going on Any Forums and seeing my countries general being spammed. And going on /vg/ as well, that used to drive my up the wall with seethe. Now I just funpost on /bant/ which is really fun, sometimes, and when it's not. I just do things I enjoy away from Any Forums, well i try, because that takes my mind of negative things. And even if the things im doing are boring like translating anime or drawing or playing games or something. It just feels so good not to be angry all the time at things that I hate.

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>schizo is now online
Abandon thread

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Kid, it doesn't get any better.

I might as well have been you, except my golden years were from 1993-2004, until I got married. My dumbass married a stupid chick pretty young, stayed married to her dumb fucking ass for 13 miserable years then got divorce raped by a judge that actually shushed my lawyer and threatened both of us with arrest for contempt of court if either of us dared to open our mouths to defend me against the lies of my cunt ex-wife and her Feminazi attorney.

I live a decent life, but working every day sucks ass and life just costs more and more every year. It's fucking miserable.

50% nostalgia for a time in your youth
50% your subconscious picking up on cultural decline of the western world

discussion over, any answer other than this is wrong

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I have also been feeling this this for a while. Got out the military couple years ago and now in college. 3rd year in and it is so fucking easy. They expect so little of us now its funny. So my girl and I said fuck it. Selling our house and all of our shit to buy a nice ass camper (which look like houses inside for like 25k) and go travel the country and do seasonal work. You don't have to do what everyone else is doing man. Its your life go fucking live it. Why you think boomers are so fuxcking pissed, they been doing nothing but work and die in a shit city. Go explore man otherwise rot away and die

False. Trumps birther crap started years before that.

>He was just an actor playing a role for powerful jews behind the stage.
He tried to get us health care but those jews really fucked it up royally. About the only thing he won was the pre-existing conditions and he had to fight tooth and nail for it. It's about explode anytime now because so many CEOs are still getting raises while they jack up the prices of everything.

>buy a nice ass camper
You'll still be paying rent prices so you can park with hookups some times and in gas. Buying a camper was probably the worst purchase I have ever made

>everything was easy back in 2009-15
i agree, fren

5% pleasure
50% pain

What do these periods of time have in common? Its a mystery.

joke's on you, fucknugget, nobody was nostalgic until after 2000 but the decline of the west was well under way. People used to always look forward with either hope or dread.

Now nostalgia is both symptom and disease.