1 in 3 men report zero sexual activity in the past year

1 in 3 men report zero sexual activity in the past year

What is going on?

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modern women are trash and have resorted to fucking niggers

Especially *White "men"

Black men are doing fine, white "men" are becoming trannies because they can't compete with BBC

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who controls the narrative controls our destiny

1 in 3 men married?

The reason why I don't have sex is because I have horrible confidence and I'm ugly as sin. I'll probably die in my thirties anyway so what's the point :(

My wife is an insufferable cunt

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They paying you enough shlomo?
I wish you fucking Jews could stop being subversive for a second

>normie venues for feeding alcohol to local girls all closed
>have to bullshit an interest to see wamens now
>yoga just hurts my back


It's probably always been about that. People are just looking and asking now.

THIS indicates a collapse of society. Not some economic bullshit

Either virgins who want to have sex but aren't good looking enough for the standards of women now or chads who can see that women now are just stupid slut whores with stupid ideologies

Yep, only kikes look at GDP, anyone with a brain looks at biological indicators.

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No it hasn't. Up until the last decade you had to first physically meet someone before you had the opportunity for sex. This spread out sexual opportunity for men in middle percentiles because top 25% guys could easily be the best looking guys who were accessible to a particular woman. Now you have internet and sites specifically designed for hookups which spawns the believe in women that the top 0.5% of guys who are both physically attractive and photogenic are now accessible to them and average guys are ignored by even below average women. Everything's been reduced to first 5 sec impression of tits and dick

Dunno why they don't just hire an escort. It's super easy to do if you have some extra cash to burn

Social media.

hard to find one that's decent looking and hasn't had a child :/

Fun fact. The black demographic has a higher percentage of trannies and fags.

Must live in a shit city then lol