Why are there no good cooking games?

Why are there no good cooking games?

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The best cooking games I played were those old flash games where you make food. Those still haven't been topped which says a lot about modern "cooking" games.

Cooking mama

Cooking is about expressing your creativity and you are gay.

>just boil some stuff and put it in a bowl

lights camera pants

Why can't white people cook?

That looks so fucking depressing and shitty.

Stews aren't that hard to pull off, get it together.

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yes, that's the basics of cooking.

White people invented cooking and the culinary arts.


Of course you take king's thread

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>throw a bunch of shit haphazardly into a pot with water
>take it out after boiling it for a bit
>no seasoning, no salt, just cut up hotdogs and veggies in water


When will euros realise that steam isn't a spice or flavor

so that's how it's done ? we really do need that cooking vidya cuz I need more tips

>White people invented cooking
Pretty sure every culture cooked user

t. eurokek


Some "cultures" didn't even work metal or had developped agriculture, that limit their cooking by a lot

Where's the seasoning

Reminds me of ja/ck/

Eh, Cook Serve Delicious is pretty fun. Gets a bit repetitive after a while, sadly.

Office Ladies NEED state-mandated house-husbands still in highschool. For their own safety.

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Is that one of those pot metal knives people are getting scammed with?

Är bannad från int så tycker vi stannar här

can you not taste the food, what happened to your tongue

That's why you should pay premium for the peeled ones.


there's no boiling in the webm tho.

I am suffering in sweden

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mmmmmmmm yum random boiled vegetables truly the apex of culinary arts

Whites cook everything you eat, nigger.

the food doesnt look rotten, what would you need seasoning for?

just ask one your immigrants in your house to cum on your food and eat

Sure thing buddy whatever you say.

They cook everything except food with seasoning

varför röstade du på Socialdemokraterna is tället för SD?

>Men cooking

Give me one reason why I would ever "cook" this. There's no sauce, there's no spice, the vegetables aren't prepared in anyway. Why would I boil all this shit and shove it in a bowl when I can just eat it all separately as different portions on a plate?

>Be white
>Conquer every other part of the world and trade for spices
>Don't use them
It was perhaps the ultimate display of superiority and mockery. We had successfully acquired all of these different flavors and ways to enhance food and we decide the peak of our culinary cuisine is unseasoned, boiled chicken, just to make brown people angry.


I wouldn't eat that even if I was starving. Learn how to cook for real.

This is literally me when I am peeling an onion

>don't cover your food in tobasco sauce and 50 different spices
>ameriniggers shit their pants

I'd say ''dont get high on your own supply'' but the best chefs in the world are all white

The state of nordcuck "cuisine"

They have no soul

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People with knives like that are pretentious twats 100% of the time and can barely cook


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>The best chefs in the world are all white
No they aren't. Some retarded brit who thinks oil "stops the pastah from sticking together" can maintain 3 Michelin stars for decades at a time.

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Anglo "cuisine".

>he cooked?
>burn it

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That pasta does look dry as shit though.

>I wouldn't eat vegetables even if I were starving
I'm sure you wouldn't, lardass.

>Get invited to biggest event of two peoples lives
>complains about the free food and uploads it on the internet for thousands to see
Ungrateful nigga

What's wrong with this? It's easy, cheap and good.

That's pretty intolerent of you to take it that way.

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what is wrong with white people dude

why do people use sausages instead of real meat?

>rice tastes like curry
>potatoes taste like curry
>chicken tastes like curry
>beef tastes like curry
>carrots taste like curry
>can't tell anything apart
it was absolutely fucking delicious and I would repeat the experience if I didn't get severe food poisoning from decade old meat

A challenger appears

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What the fuck?

gå tillbaka till sverigetråden jävla suedi, ni är inte välkomna här

I’m not arguing with Twitter tards.

boys don't know this

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this the new RE?

>broth cubes and processed meat
Why is he so smug about it?

seasoned or not this webm always makes me hungry the food looks good

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Wow, what a beautiful culture.

unorthodox but the taste of human blood is what makes a plate stand out.

Stop confusing Americans and the British as white people.

Middle Easterners invented civilization

>It's easy, cheap and good.
you got two out of 3 right, try again

>french "people"


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ive done the hotdog and egg thing before. i cut the hotdogs with a knife, not a paperclip though

No wonder lifters are always looking to kill themselves

How the fuck do you fail at cutting an onion

This has to be a troll image.

Who woulda thunk it looking at the state of them today

I made this recently and it was fun and easy

People have favourite food chains?

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t. Michigander

the most chad are chik-fil-a, sbarro, papa johns, and in-n-out burger. the rest are cuck. what the fuck is jollibee? cuck

yeah this is a lie

What the fuck? I don't get why

do americans?

Welsh are just nutty.

matgeekbroder. dom har ingen aning.

to egg houses and shit i assume

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For a few days around Halloween

>Why are there no good cooking games?
i've thought about this. we need a video game that models food and eating in an ultra realistic way.

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what's wrong with people?


>the spice: bleach, dishwashing soap and drain muck

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cooking simulator could have been it
but sadly it falls quite a bit short

Hey, at least it's cow meat. I could post very similar videos but with "human" meat.

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y'all muthafuckas will never know the greatness of this

My father always told me that excess of spicy sauce and seasoning is used to cover taste of rotten meat. If you can't taste the meat under all extra they can give you anything under guise of beef

There's a difference between knowing what you're doing (white people) and being a fucking negroid (black people).

cheese ruins burgers there i said it

That's way too much work and the frying is over kill. Should have stopped at the tortilla pizza, topped it with salsa and a side of rice.

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Do it pussy

That's the second time I see joggers wash their chicken with soap. The fuck is up with that?

so much fucking work and at the end that shit is only going to taste to the sauce anyways.

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White people and black people don't exist.


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Holy shit.

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he has a right to complain, he's the specialist in KFC

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holy fuck it JUST KEEPS GOING

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I should head over to /ck/ and get more cooking webbums.

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I love how easy it is to make the cracker jacks seethe, they just go off at the slightest jab lol

You do not exist, little boy.

>live in SC
>all these retarded boomers and their highschooler church group shits obsessed with Chikfila
Their food has gotten so much worse over the years too. Everything sits in foil bags under heat lamps so it gets mushy and gross, there's barely any decent breading on the chicken and it's not seasoned as well as it used to be, the biscuits are dogshit, the waffle frys aren't seasoned at all and can't hold salt for shit, and now they've decided to "reinvent" the fucking drivethru by making some poor little teenagers stand outside in the blazing fucking heat all day taking orders just to manipulate people into staying when the wait takes 30 minutes for a fucking chicken sandwich. And they all just shut their eyes and act like it's the best food around because chikfila is the only fast food place that ever had the stupidity to associate themselves with the baptist church

Only Zaxby's is any good

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>Pizza Hut
Fucking disgusting


Man shut the fuck up.


I'm not black though seething whitey


how can you just waste food like this

That's a coquette not crepe

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Zaxbys is fucking trash.

Epic reading comprehension your microcephalus has bestowed up you

Still better than english food

we got sent to Any Forums