How does one stop being racist? im racist for my own race and i hate the fact that others exist...

How does one stop being racist? im racist for my own race and i hate the fact that others exist. i need to stop sperging because i live in a very diverse neighborhood

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>> i live in a very diverse neighborhood
Wants to become LESS racist. Good luck with that. I suggest you move.

Interracial porn is a pretty good way

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Why do you want to deny reality?

By realizing how many people of your own skin tone mistreat you.

who created people as dumb as you? are you mexican? i think brown people were some ancient experiment of breeding with dogs or something, and that's the reason the egyptians created fake animal gods, because the slaves knew they were animals.

You sound white

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i know this already, but that doesnt make me less tribalistic for my own race,

i mean, while niggers really are just monkey+, mexicans are like dog+ and it shows a lot.

First you must come to realize that there is no such thing as race.

i'm better than white, motherfucker. i'm russian. germans are niggers to me; they worship symbols like swastikas and crosses, and they think that examples of previous "germans" make THEM look good. that's totally nigger dogshit to me.

there are no white people in this pic.

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This girl is from your country and she only dates Asian men. How does that make you feel?

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Russians are asian lol

Look at how ugly that guy is. Imagine him fucking her tight pussy every day while you play with your dick alone. Cope more bitch.

Skin color isn't a race, but with that aside, shouldn't you feel more insulted from mistreatment that comes from people you identify as being from your own race?

OP just make some friends bro. I had the same experience as you- grew up in a town where blacks live on one side of the street and whites on the other. I was real racist by my early teens but after meeting people of other races and making friends, I've become much more accepting. I even have a sexy black gf now.

Yeah Russian guys are kind of ugly lol, I think they're a cute couple though. I bet the kids are gonna look like Vladimir Putin (though possibly less simian)

Are you female?

Nah I got a big droopy cock and sweaty man taint, you wanna see?

You should cut that dick off and let yourself get fucked by black guys

You need to go back and grow up in a single race neighborhood.
Every time a new study on race and diversity is concluded 'They' attack it and bury it because reality is revealed again.
There would be no need for decades of pro-diversity propaganda, forced anti-"Racist" ideology, and "Equality" campaigns if people were actually equal and the different species (yes, species, not races) of human were able to intermingle without conflict.

>Every time a new study on race and diversity is concluded 'They' attack it and bury it because reality is revealed again

I'll need a citation on that. I'm not going to accept the word of some random, anonymous poster without evidence.