Rekt time on the Yard

Rekt time on the Yard.

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Lemme unload these hammy fucks. I feel like they are weighing me down


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Feels like they are trying to break into my pornhub account. Hate em.

We live in a society were you need to open the door for these folks, pausing your social animosity, if you want a respectable self regard for yourself. We are programmed and cannot help it.

At the same time, old folks do nothing but sabotage your sexual life. Nothing but. It doesn't matter whether it is at school, work or in public, they are god damned fucking sexual termites. Gnawing at your self-esteem, bank account and level of morality.

Heed my advice, do the opposite of anything that an old person tells you do, while being able to seduce a young blonde into chasing you, and you can't possibly go wrong in life. No way.

But, no closet secrets. Nothing that she can uncover. None of that. No pedophilia. No beastiality. No anal or fecal play with yourself. None of that. Why not? Not why not. Why? Why mention this? A lot of the old folks that you see nowadays lived in rural and desolate areas. Around the 1940's. If they didn't shove a finger up a chicken's ass then their friends did. It was the middle of the last century. Rural for the god damn most part. Look at these beauties. Old as the crack on the Lincoln bell and wearing the clothes that their son's should be wearing. Instead of the 2020 Justin Beiber outfit. Something isn't in order here.

Same thing goes for seducing women. I mean real seduction. Not the pornographic "step father" groping. As as alpha, being chased by women is what makes you the you that you are. It sets the tone and it tells women that chasing men is okay and it tells men that they are next. They are going to be chased. Next. Everyone wants you to be chased by women. Except old people. Look at the step father "seduction" genre on pornsites nowadays. It is always some sleezy 40 year old groping some teen-age looking brat. And, it is called "seduction" because it starts out subtly. But, look at how realistic the scenes are.

. Think about the real life applications. You'd have to be an idiot to try to do that in real life. That is unless, unless, you've set up a situation where she is going to be beaten, defamed, or in some way socially ruined if she resists or declines. Happens all the time. In Hollywood casting backrooms. In business and government offices. With secretaries. With men in positions of authority. With troubled women. Troubled girls. The financially desperate. Third World men , gold jewellery, cigars, and whiskey along with desperate young women who cannot help but cringe at the chicken-shit covered dirt floors that they came from.

And I have no such background in my life. I am an urbanite born out of the modern world. And as familiar as that sounds to you, vocally, imost of the world is not. I admired Darth Vader when I was a child because he had the better looking fleet. Not because he was a rapist. But, that concept is beyond the imagination of most of the modern, rather pseudo-modern, population that can't quite distinguish its own psycho-pathology from nature's own intent.

The entire reason why seduction is something to envy, in the hands of a man, is because it means that women are chasing you. You are the tender lamb, as a 6 foot tall and muscled boulder of a wall, while their feminine instincts take the reign. And, the whole of society wants you to be that tender lamb being viscerally raped by an experienced vixen. That is, before she and after she tastes your semen, her lipstick, and her cherry cigars with a look of of glee and agonizing desire in her eyes.

The opposite of that is setting up a situation where you are fondling your step daughter or, any women for that matter, by attempting to be subtle about. Being dumb enough to do without a back-up situation for you to coerce her with or not. It is denigrating. It is you admitting that you are sexually undesireable as you are or as you always have been. It is defeat.

Found the incel


Attached: 1644339805646.webm (836x484, 1.89M)


Attached: 1635571012126.webm (960x640, 1.04M)

I wish I had something to contribute.

Attached: 1636568590545.webm (460x460, 496.98K)

Fuck off you stupid numberfag nigger


Reminds me of tourists and museums. You think that the "don't touch my daughter" warning sign is a sort of joke, until they start violating your tourists attractions, tourism photos, young daughters and the local orphanages. It is all clearly and nicely stated in the "haptics" manual.

If you are touring the Great Wall of China, the general reaction that is merited is awe. You are to behold a great work of human architecture, in action, as dating back millenia. Standing back, in humility and amidst solemn silence, as you submit to your own due sense of inferiority in the relevant context. That's the only way that things can be, You should only be touring that which humbles you. That which is worth traveling to the other side of the planet for. But no. Actually, you casually suspect that some old geezer is outwitting you in someway, with his topless visor and over-sized backpack, pretending that his awakwardness is something to laugh at.

is now "Americanizing" the local shops near the Greek Pantheon or at the Beirut whereabouts, before you gently ask him to remove hiimself from the premises. And when you do, he never asks why. He always pretends that it is a joke. He knows that his presence is denigrating, and before you know it, he is no longer the Queen's right hand man but is not embezzling money out of the UNICEF fund and gang-raping the local orphanages with his investor group.

Happened time and time again. But that's why. Don't touch. Just don't do it. Why? Pretend like you own it. There you go. That's why. It isn't yours. It isn't your daughter. But the moment that you do, pretend, that is the moment that you know exactly what to do, touch it as much as possible, The moment that you are told, get out of the picture frame, you return back to this tourist attraction, with cargo shorts half way up your thighs, the weirdest hats that you can buy, looking as stupid as possible before saying;