How much longer until we no longer have to have girlfriends, mothers, sisters, daughters, etc...

How much longer until we no longer have to have girlfriends, mothers, sisters, daughters, etc, and until men can be completely independent?

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Every day we stray further from god

Only a faggot wouldn't want to be around women. The problem with all you surface dwellers is that you don't know that problem is you.

The fuck is this thtead

But I want females in my life. The problem is I want sex toys and I want them to go away when I am done.

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Where do you plan on getting the egg from?

Isn’t this what Zuckerbergs meta verse is all about?
Hot autistic virtual coom?

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Is there such a thing as a cock attachment for the oculus? Genuinely interested cos that would be hot af

a single woman has around 10-20k eggs in her lady guts. pretty simple have a female ranch where women are bred and harvested for their eggs as they come into puberty. they need not be taught anything, rarely spoken to, and shackled their whole life before being harvested and disposed of.

Looks like something my grandma used to have in her freezer

You belong in a mental asylum

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there’s gotta be one day
imagine picking some bitch on face book, and having her deepfaked straight to sucking your dick kek

Well even homos love being around women. OP is just really, REALLY off.

>(((laboratory animal)))
>(((human testing)))
>(((artificial womb)))
>(((HIV blood)))
>(((premature lamb lives in a container)))
>(((normal development)))
>(((umbilical cord)))

This OP is genuinely insane.

Are you all living under rocks? Sex bots already exist that are coupled to VR.
Artificial wombs can be implanted into males so they literally become pregnant with their and their "girlfriend's" DNA.
Jesus F Christ go out sometimes.

I answered a simple question with a rational answer. I'm sorry that the thought of a world without women makes you seethe.

In the US, currently, around 3,385,000 humans die each year. halving that figure 1.7m ish gets the rate of death of males. Also, I was way off after googling female egg reserve. Apparently around 1m eggs. so a farm with 100 women in it could supply the replenishment rates of the entire population. Gynoid sex bots would satisfy the need for sex and could be easily manufactured for the use of ann men who wanted one. Women are unnecessary for the future of the planet. One could do the exact same thing with males and have a world without men.

sike nigga go give mom a kiss

>One could do the exact same thing with males and have a world without men
Except that world wouldn't be able to sustain itself for long

>cognitive skills for problem solving
>don't like pain
>quick to figure shit out
>will have made up language
Terrible fucking system. Pure fucking trash unless you want a revolt.

100 women in a prison complex. who have never known a life outside the institution. Yeah, they will revolt, sure. Here's a solution to the "revolt" they have their spinal cord surgically severed at birth making them into quadriplegics. they are trapped in their own body, live in isolation wards, and are fed through a tube. How do they revolt?

not to mention they could be lobotomized, and have their vocal chords removed rendering them into helpless mute vegetables.

Why not just turn sperm cells into eggs cells?