I thought conservatives hated freeloaders? Why keep defending corps when they don't pay their taxes?

I thought conservatives hated freeloaders? Why keep defending corps when they don't pay their taxes?

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The left represents the corporations. Ask them.

Which party cuts their taxes at every opportunity? lol

Smooth brain comment

Do you have an example or is this just bullshit?

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Don't believe it? Fact check it then

>thinking Amazon is a "conservative" enterprise
I know Any Forums isn't the brightest but where they hell did OP come from to kick the bar that much lower?

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How can you cut taxes for something not paying taxes? I'm not a rightoid, but leftards are extra-special stupid, aren't you?

Damn you bootlickers are stupid

Congrats, that's the dumbest strawman I've heard today

This is such a stupid take. They are following tax laws. If you don't like the tax laws, then cry about the tax laws, not the people or corporations who follow them. A corporation has an obligation to its shareholders to minimize its tax liability at every opportunity. Jeff Bezos did not make the tax laws that allowed Amazon to avoid $5,200,000,000 in taxes.

amazon does good things for people like let you buy random electronics online. niggers do bad things for people like steal your random electronics you buy online.
not defending corpos at all, i just hate niggers much much more.

They will just hand wave it away as being legal and part of the system. Even though it hurts them they have been duped into thinking they are just temporarily embarrassed millionaires and they will get to abuse the system at some point.

Do you wanna fuck m&Ms?


>It's not a real corporation!!!
Now that's some cope

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Imagine thinking corporations are on "a side" they are on whoever's side makes them the most.


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You've been well trained

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The problem with the left's argument here is that corporations aren't really just faceless entities like the left likes to portray. They're a collection of people. Between employees and shareholders there are probably millions of people who have a financial stake in Amazons success.

is this an example of the american education system?

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So your plan is to give up?

Afraid so, the war on education has been very effective

>tax Amazon
>Amazon moves to Mexico to get away from tax and Jeff gets his lower pay workers that dobt need phones or take a break
>blame conservatives for unenpliyeement and loss of companies

My plan is to buy stock so I can pocket some of that 5.2 billion. If the niggers want a taste then they can buy some shares too.

The already get most of their shit from China, they would already be doing that if they could.

Well arent you a well trained useful idiot

]I say this in nearly every thread and no fucking body ever listens to me. We are fighting for scraps while they enjoy caviar in their fucking mansions.

An idiot who's on track to retire at 40. If you want to live off of welfare go ahead, but you won't live well.