Refute this

Refute this.

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They were only primitive because of the legacies of racism, white supremacy, and colonialism

Oh fuck off you disingenuous cunt.

What was their excuse prior to the 1800s?

If you want a real reason. The answer lies in a combination of factors between nature/biology, and circumstance/geography.

This. Life expectancies hovered around or above middle ages Europe without any of the advancements of middle ages Europe. Fear of slowly freezing to death is a powerful, powerful societal motivation.

People were raping the African continent well before 1800.

Gives examples

Africa was actually divided into three larg empires that spanned vast amounts of territory and incorporated hundreds of different tribes and cultures. They had agriculture's plumbing, city planning, roads. The idea that they didn't is a white supremacist myth.

People fucked up eastern Europe too. The difference is that none of them were able to fuck up Ukrainians as well as a 25 degree farenheit January


I'm not responsible for your education. If you really want to learn, you'll research it. I'm not going to give you examples just so you can plug your ears and go "NUH UH NUH UH." That would be a waste of both my time and energy, so I hope you do look it up, but I'm not holding my breath.

That doesn't explain everything though.

You don't want an honest answer, but the honesty answer is actually no cows. Urbanisation is correlated with the availability of domesticable animals, it's why Eurasia and North Africa have it but the rest of the world gets fucked. The Aztecs and Maya get a little, because they had llamas/alpacas, but they're barely domesticable at best.

Egyptians, Moors, Arabs, Portuguese being some examples

I personally read the accounts of early white explorers who travelled to Africa and met native tribes. Including Morton Stanley, David Livingston, and August Boshart. They mentioned nothing about great african empires. In fact they all said that the entirety of the African continent was popilated by backwards tribes living a savage existence

Would you like to know what the arab scholars said about blacks? They said that blacks live a savage existence, were frequently cannibals, and had less intelligence than a monkey

Ghandi said the same thing

Bevause they were retsrded lol
They met one small tribe and assumed the entire continent was exactly like that. Africa is a gigantic place.

Incorrect. Actually they travelled all over the African continent meeting hundreds of tribes. It was Stanley's job to make girst contact with tribes, who usually had never seen a white man before, and get them on friendly terms. He talks about escaping death from headhunters and witch doctors a dozen tomes or more, quote harrowing stuff

Here's a picture if him

Attached: 747px-Henry_Morton_Stanley,_1872.jpg (747x1023, 151.74K)

>Witch doctors
Lol are you a fucking retard? Jesus Christ read a history book. From antiquity yo late medieval African civilization was modern and cosmopolitan. It's only during the colonial era does it stagnate.

We wuz kangz

You think a guy running from magic voodoo spells is an accurate account if africa