Why do i always get friendzoned by these fucking whores? Why am i always the "best friend" and never the boyfriend...

Why do i always get friendzoned by these fucking whores? Why am i always the "best friend" and never the boyfriend? what the fuck am i doing wrong?

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What kind of best friend isn't willing to do something to help you get off when you're single?

making urself too available and being nice because you want pussy

Your answer is in your first sentence.

try not being a faggot

Attached: tootsie pop f a g.jpg (3596x2500, 616.52K)

Try putting your dick in these hoes usually stops them from thinking of you as a friend

I get this but it makes no fucking sense why. Why is it such a bad thing?

You can try a little bit of honesty with your intentions by not being a coward. Women can definitely tell when you are not being honest with them, which make them lose every bit of atraction that they could possible have for you.

cause you provide emotional security and invest before you get fucked so they don't have to bring the relationship anywhere else and you're asking yourself why without cutting them off

You're ugly


So i should just start distancing myself from them? Stop being there when they need me? Like she's got all her coworkers, her family and friends all saying she should date me, which probably don't help tbf

Because is pretty obvious that what you actually want is their vagina

Well we've been flirty, it's not like i'm just being some soyboy simp. How honest are we talking?

Throwing the stone and then hiding your hand doesn't count you idiot, you have to finish the job, just be clear with what you actually want from her.

Well she's coming round mine on Valentines day. I'll just be straight up honest with her then. And if she doesn't want to go further we'll just stop seeing each other then if that's the solution

That's probably the best thing you can do. But you most likely already fucked up, you created a relationship that is not what you actually wanted from her and she has all the right to feel betrayed because you practically lied to her.

The thing is she was in a relationship up until a month ago. So i didn't have any real opportunity to do anything before anyway without seeming like a dick

That's not an excuse. You still lied. You have to be honest from the start.


Because you didn't ask her out within the first three encounters.
Us guys like to think there is a ladder of success, first you're a worker, then a supervisor, then a manager, and finally owner. Makes sense, right? Relationships with bitches is NOT the same way, there's the first two steps, "stranger" and "acquaintance", and after that it splits apart into two ladders, beginning with "date" or "friend".
It is up to YOU whether or not you want to be on the "date" ladder, or the "friend" ladder. Why is it up to you? Because you're a fucking man and need to make decisions, that's just what we do.
Now just because you want to get on the date ladder, doesn't mean it will be easy, at any point she can break it off and you'll be stuck on the friend ladder, but you are GUARANTEED to be there if you do not ask her on a date within the first three times of talking with her. Why the first three times? Because again, you're a fucking man that has to make decisions, she does not want a dude that bumbles around like a dickless faggot, and if you take too long, she's going to write you off as such and you'll have NO chance of dating her.
Next time you meet a bitch that's looking good, talk with her a bit, and then finally say something like "I like you, we should hang out some time, I was thinking of going to *insert place*, meet me there at *insert time*"
A bitch is going to be ultra impressed that A) You actually asked her out, B) That you decided a place and time already, and C) Subconsciously, you didn't give her much of an option of declining, and yes that assertiveness will make her pussy tickle.

I should probably follow this up.
Okay, so if she declines the date, DO NOT GET UPSET. Some cunts want to see how you react to rejection, and the best thing to do about this is to say something like "That's cool, I'll ask you again next week". She'll be impressed that you A) Didn't chimp out, and B) You've already asserted yourself. If she declines three times, then just give up, a bitch ain't worth shit if she isn't fucking you.
If she does accept, please for the love of god BE YOURSELF. So men get caught up in building this huge facade in vain efforts of impressing others, only for it to get smashed apart after living with each other for a week. I've seen it countless times, and it's completely unnecessary. Be yourself, and if she doesn't like you as yourself, then forget that bitch and find another one.