I start working in a factory on Monday /b. What should I know about factory work before I go?

I start working in a factory on Monday /b. What should I know about factory work before I go?

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your coworkers will be borderline retarded, but for the most part factory workers are usually decent, hard workers

Just forget you have a name while you are there you are just a number, an easily replaceable cog in a machine

What kind of factory you dumbfuck

You're better off dead

You're the one that got the job, you fucking tell me, retard

It's slavery. Your boss only thinks about profit and will make one man do the work of 5. If you don't comply, you'll just get fired because there are immigrants who just arrived who will be more than glad to slave away for pennies (which is one of the reasons behind the migration crisis all over the world... because our capitalistic society needs to keep costs down and they need a constant influx of people willing to work for minimum wage in atrocious conditions). Also, from my experience working in a factory in a developped western country, no one respects safety measures. This means that you will deal with actual cancerous chemicals and no one will provide you with gloves or masks, nor tell you how dangerous handling those chemicals is. They don't care about you, and they think you are dumb because you have no education and are eager to slave away your life for a handful of dollars. That's pretty much it, and get ready to handle high stress levels of your boss yelling at you to go "faster faster FASTER".

I'd would rather go homeless.

I would* (typo)

Really the only big thing to keep in mind not to ever fuck/argue with is Lock Out/Tag Out. Believe me, that shit is there to keep you alive and the retards from becoming a LiveLeak upload.

t. communist retard that's never worked a day in it's life

It's all good, but if you see the liveleak logo fucking ANYWHERE make sure to leave and not come back.

Making car parts

Is it union?

>What should I know about factory work before I go?
get good shoes

I work at a freight hub, but I used to work at a factory in 2008 before the Crash. So, know this:
>stay hydrated
>stay properly caffeinated
>keep female coworkers at arm's length
>share as little about your personal life as possible
>avoid contact unless it's absolutely necessary, and try to keep it work-related
>if you thought old people were dicks out in public, wait until you have to work with and around them
>fucking get to work on time and be ready to labor
>try to get forklift certified
>don't show up drunk or under the influence
'Sbout it, really

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Yeah I figured, just hoping I can zone out and do the menial shit and get it done and get paid. Supposedly I can work all the overtime I want and I have very few bills so I'm thinking I can put away like 1k a month for 2 years and go back to school or something... Or spend it on fleshlights and video games idk.


You should be fine. I was on a line casting engine blocks. Most of the dangerous shit is done by the machinery.

A factory is a lot like prison. Usually e-cons there. You have to find the biggest worker there and punch him in the face immediately to prove you are not a bitch.

Oof. Keep your options open then.

i work in a factory have for over ten years, if you've never worked in a factory its not going to be an easy adjustment for you. On your first day listen and ask questions about any aspect of your work, the stupider the better it will show your workmates you give a fuck about what you do. Factories have cliques like prisons, if you want the respect of your workmates then treat the managers like shit; on that note, on average their exists at least 3 snitches in any workplace and that goes double for factories, if someone asks you to do something that sounds stupid, don't do it you're probably being set up. your mistakes will be forgiven, but do take credit for your fuck ups people like a person who can own their mistakes. Be helpful but dont be a know-it-all you'll be surrounded by people who have more skill and knowledge then you, make good use of that.. If someone asks you to work overtime, choose wisely; if you work the OT you'll be regarded as a dependable person by management and a kiss-ass by your fellow workers

the biggest egos in the place like having them stroked the most, those people are usually managers and foremen, avoid those fuckers

Thanks, good tips. I've worked around chicks before and learned nobody's your friend and don't share in the gossip.

stick your hands in all the machinery

This dude knows, I worked at aFederal Mogul distribution centre (car parts) for a good year during my eveningschool.
Every sentence is good advice.

>if you thought old people were dicks out in public, wait until you have to work with and around them

BRO, this one. Holy shit, if you think elderly people are often rude/vile/unrespectful wait until you've got to work with them in a shitty environment like a factory, especially when they're teamleaders or union reps that can't get fired. I've legit met the most evil, lazy, backstabbing 40-45+ dudes ever. Also, older people don't take safety precautions seriously from what I've noticed.

So if I can give you any more advice than this dude: be prepared to work, but if you don't feel safe during a certain job and somebody is pushing you to do it anyway; straight-up signal this to a team leader. They're SHITFACED scared for having accidents during their shifts so they'll jump right in.

Outside of that; teamleaders are there to keep you working as a slave. Shut up, do your job, pin out at the end of the day and don't think about that shit place you're going to start in the next day, because if that shit gets into your head...

Dude, just get any education man, anything and you'll be better of than in a factory being a mindless zombie that constantly gets wipped by a frustrated bag of shit that's dealing with a midlife crisis.