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You do realize that he is supposed to be the literal son of God and could've looked like fucking Alf for all we know, right?

pick one

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Unless you're part of the Christian cult, you would know that Jesus was an actual person

you fucking dolt

It's never going to end is it?

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Roman lies.
He's a post-dated story to end Rome's problem with messianic judaism by claiming the messiah had already come and gone and also told people to render unto caesar that which is caesars.
The first century was a total fucking war zone in Judea because every up-and-coming warlord was eager to prove he was the promised messiah that would topple the roman empire. The story of jesus ended that.

Right hand side Jesus looks like a bro, would totally eat hummus with.

That's a ridiculous statement. There were multiple Jesus cults with conflicting beliefs around Judea and Syria in the 1st century. Paul's version won out because he specifically went after non-jews who didn't know anything about Judaism and gave them a religion that fit in nicely with their pre-existing Roman beliefs. That's why Pauline Christianity became the state religion. It was the version most palatable to Romans. It wasn't a version created by Romans to stop the Jews.

Does it really matter what color jesus was? Since satanist care so much, i'll just say he was white to piss them off

You don't know shit about Rome. There was only ONE history of the era that was permitted to exist, and that was Josephus's version. Everything else was rounded up and destroyed, as only Caesar's version of history was allowed to spread. Literally everything you know about the entire Judean/Roman conflict comes from one single Roman scribe. I'm sure he was totally impartial, though. Vespasian sparing him from execution and adopting him into his family and making him a Roman citizen probably had no effect on how he described their history.

>Jesus was Christian

listen here my satan worshipping friend, Jesus was a woman

It's the same logic as with self-similar geometric shapes.


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Josephus was full of shit in a lot of places, but the Council of Nicaea was almost 300 fucking years after Josephus. Christianity the state religion until after that. What would they even have to argue about, if Christianity was already a roman plot? Utter bullshit.

Firstly, it wasn't intended to become the new Roman religion, it was intended to stop the endless stream of wannabe messiahs coming out of Judea. Secondly, more than one sect came up in Rome. The gnostics got oppressed by the Roman government because they believed the story was a parable rather than a real event, and that ran contrary to the very reason that Vespasian had the story commissioned. The Roman narrative needed Jesus's story to be seen as literal events because that was what would keep the hebrews from becoming warlike again.
Read Flavius Josephus's history of Titus Flavius's campaign in Judea. You'll see a lot of the New Testament in it. The son of [god/caesar] commanding his followers to fish for men at Galilee, a legion of mad pigs driven into the sea to drown, a good samaritan on the side of the road, a woman named mary making a sacrificial lamb of her son, stones crying out at the arrival of the son of [god/caesar], discussion about building a siege tower, all the way up to the [prophercy/event] of the destruction of the temple leaving no two stones atop each other. All in the *exact* same order.

Damn...I left out the part where three men are being crucified and one of them is allowed to go free...

Jesus Christ was a half-white half-jew bastard child of Julius Caesar who was the first Messianic (the second being Jacques de Molai) practitioner sent into Jerusalem to destabilize the ruling theocracy of the era. He also challenged racism as seen in the story of the woman by the well. He also challenged the idea of an all powerful God with the story of the cripple picking up his mat and carrying it during shabbat which was ruled as a sin by the ruling theocracy of the era. Zog changed the perception of true Messianic Jesus christ to align more with Judeo-Christian ideals. This honestly from my perspective
an attempt to reinstate racial classism that is occasionally found within Abrahamic religions. The primary problem that the messianic group has always had is racist judeo-Christian well poisoners as can already be seen in this thread.

That piece of shit on the right is Lucas. I don't look like him.


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>Ezekiel 25:17

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