Do racists feel kind of defeated that blacks are appearing everywhere, are in every ad and television show...

Do racists feel kind of defeated that blacks are appearing everywhere, are in every ad and television show, and are becoming as common as the air you breathe?

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eww, nobody anywhere likes dindus other than retards. This is how media has failed, people are sick of niggotry.

no it will just make more racists which is good for the cause

kys nigger

Nope, it's only like this cause liberals know they are inferior and they are trying to make them feel better.

The only niggers who are good at sports are Amerikan niggers who where bred to lift things. Except Long dotance runners, niggers are fairly average physically. And the smart niggers are few and far between. So they rarely have anything going for them and often slot going against them, liberals try to make them feel better.

>implying blacks can't be racist

funny thing is you take away the guns and these kids can't fight for shit

blacks are too stupid to realize they're culture is being profited from by non-blacks, so sure let them have their day in the sun

>mom, I don't like peanuts

What's really scary is who decides who is popular and who isn't.
Movie of prophecy.

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It’s not that blacks have taken over everything. It’s just that the people at the top are pushing niggers using them as token.

I don't think that's how things actually work. They just get more and more accepted over time.

Defeated? No. Just annoyed. Trying to force undesirables upon people simply makes the people resent it more rather than embrace it.

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>They just get more and more accepted over time.
No, the more things that are a minority the cooler it is to the majority.

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Show me a culturally influential book series written by a nig and I will believe that a man who cuts off his cock is a woman. Until then, I just watch everything unfold from a Conservative first world country with very few blacks.

I never said anything about "cool". I'm talking about things becoming commonplace. If it was considered "cool" that would mean it's not common, which is the opposite of what I was saying.

Goddamned kikes never quit.

No I don't watch TV.