What can be done in this case

what can be done in this case

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Make sure his daughter breeds black, more a masculine jaw/chin

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Plastic surgery can pretty much fix anything today.

Earn a lot of money.

my cousin had this, they did surgery, broke his jaw and moved it. he looks fine now.

Check out the smoothbrain slope on this nigger...

Photoshop. It's the only solution.

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>looks like an ape

I'd say hang yourself but the noose would probably slip off of your thin wormy neck.

orthognathic surgery

Well, I mean, you could kill yourself

I want to see his skull, without flesh.

Spot the difference

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A goofy prosthetic

I see a spark of deep thought and wonder in that ape's eyes... Look out into the distance wondering about all sorts of things that might now wow you or me but are fantastical it his mind's eye. As for the nigger I cant really say that.

stop holding your mouth like a retard
I can make my jaw push pack like that and hold my mouth open and look like that but I don't so I really can not understand why some people walk around with this dumbass look on their face.

he's thinking about banana

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So what's the ape thinking of?


How does he get pillowcases onto his pillows?

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stop breathing trough mouth

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