There are anons on this board right now that believe America landed in the moon

There are anons on this board right now that believe America landed in the moon

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I'm trans btw

Only stupid people STILL believe people actually went to the moon.


Cause you know it's true :)

>what are NASA budget cuts?
If we didn’t land on the moon, why didn’t the Soviets say anything? They were the ones who ended up with egg on their face

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>Oh look, it's the same retarded argument again

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actually didn't they set up mirrors on the moon for us to bounce lasers off to prove that we've been there?

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>"I can't argue against it" the post (tm)

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There's no need to argue. Facts are facts, you want it or not. Now go back watch tv

The landed a lunar lander on the moon. Not America. It's much too big

Facts don’t care about the fact that you hate America, Ivan

Cuz dropping a mirror from a satellite in orbit is so hard

russia put those mirrors there with unmanned missions. the fucking laser mirrors prove nothing.

>facts are facts
>presents no facts what so ever
I honestly hope you're just trying to troll and legitimately aren't this retarded. What's next? You gonna tell me that the earth is hollow?

it starts to get strange and sickening if you watch the official NASA videos of the stupid rover driving around. they narrate it like it's the "dukes of hazzard". that was one of the much later landings, televised to keep the stupid nation thinking we were like "star trek". it feels like total bullshit.

Not everything is a conspiracy dumbass nut job

The earth is flat, vaccines don't work and truckers blocking highways is great for the future of trucking.

>Look at me Ma, I got a 1000 likes on Facebook
Just rope yourself already, you childish motherfucker

>fags are fags
You got that right.

And I believe not too much people around have to deal with a retard like you every day. Would feel bad for them.
And if you believe the earth is hollow or vaccines will help you that's your problem

Sodomite detected

Except things that are

There are anons on this board that believed Jussie Smollet, Russian Collusion, Pee tapes and jan 6th was an iNsUrReCtIoN.

>The earth is flat
It's not
>vaccines don't work
If you call "slowly killing you and fucking your health" a vaccine

>truckers blocking highways is great for the future of trucking.
Actual retarded. Go back watching tv

I sure do