How does it feel to kill a human?

How does it feel to kill a human?

Attached: Reference Skeleton.jpg (1080x1920, 169.06K)

Bags of sand and salty milk



Attached: aoc.jpg (600x778, 122.83K)

Anymore? I wanna eat and fuck her so badly

There's nothing to eat, she's all bones!

Theres many more of her in subsaharian africa

does not feel anything ..

Ask the police and the government, they are pro at that.

Sheeeeet. Im on my wayH8XKM

white people aren't human

thats right, they are far above that

It depends on who does the killing and the justification for said killing.

To kill someone outside of a life or death situation needs a motive. It'll normally boil down to love, hate or money. Love and hate, you'll feel conflicted. Money, it's just business, if you didn't do it someone else would have.

Surprisingly, it doesn't feel like anything at all.
It's a nuisance. It's like pissing on the streets. It's dirty, non-hygienic.

If you're going to kill someone, do it in the woods.

I inadvertently led to my mother's death, I felt nothing

Or at sea. Chuck them over, literally nothing left behind.

Spooky scary skeletons.

Probably pretty good. It’s always satisfying to kill a fish or a deer or squirrel, but I’ve always felt that killing bigger and more dangerous things ought to be more thrilling than killing something harmless like a squirrel. Humans are arguably the most dangerous living things, so killing people ought to be the most exciting.

disappointing because now the torture is pointless

Best answer right here

This is so fucking hilariously nasty.

It's difficult, adrenaline is a hell of a drug

Never shot a deer? Feels good.
You just point and shoot, and it drops there or somewhere nearby, then you have tens of thousands of calories of delicious flesh to eat.

Would you like to be eaten by another human being? I mean, that would be the most adrenalinic thing you can do.
We can cut your penis and cook it.