America is the most racist country in the world

America is the most racist country in the world.

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racist and winning

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Nigger do you even know about China?

Anime fag

Stop using N word, this is 2022!!!

So racist that we had a black president for 8 years.

spoken like a true privileged whitie


The most DOOMED country

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Good, fuck you nigger.

Whats the N word you are referring to?

russia set the standard.

Cool story bro.

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He says with zero proof to back it up. There are black people living in Russia.

America is a niggerised shithole.

Russia armed the niggers.

>There are black people living in Russia.

yes, those few dozen who are fending sheep in the mountains. they are not even allowed higher education.

That's not a good thing. You can't be racist without having Black people first. More Blacks leads to more people getting accused of being racist to them. No Blacks = no racism.

>Russia armed the niggers.

wrong, it was china who armed the niggers during their uprising against european colonialists.

Cool story bro.

It's the other way around, Blacks that come are students, studying on universities, nobody comes to be a sheep herder. Btw, none of that matters, no country in eastern Europe participated in transatlantic slave trade.

Go to Mexico, Cuba or anywhere in South America and I bet you change your mind!

>He says with zero proof to back it up.

prove your black people in russia. they are not even integrated into modern society of russia. show me blacks in moscow. all you read about are hate crimes done to blacks in moscow.

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Worst thing you can call a black person that starts with an 'N' and ends in an 'R'??

Probably not but we were founded on strong principles of racism so it's not surprising that racism still abounds

read the news bro. maybe you wont have to work for putin.


You must be retarded villager. Go to a University in Moscow or St. Petersburg, and you'll see dozens of niggers there hanging around with native Russians. Racism is a fake construct for retarded americans.

>Blacks that come are students, studying on universities

lol. blacks in moscow are scared of going out at night. they are targeted for hate crimes.

Why would they? Russians aren't integrated in any African society either, what the two have in common historically? I would not be surprised if this is actually the same person talking to it's own replies, trying to sideline the thread to another country.

Saying it doesn't make it true.

>Racism is a fake construct for retarded americans.

thats because its normal for russians to be racist. they dont even know they are doing it because it is accepted practice. lol.

Nah that would be China or Israel.
America definitely has the most bitching about race, though.

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>Russians aren't integrated in any African society either

ah so its okay to be racist to blacks because russians are victims in africa. retarded logic bro.

Why are they in Moscow? Why are they leaving their peaceful, tolerant countries to be attacked? Are they stupid or something? Weird.

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>Saying it doesn't make it true.

same as russians are not racist. lol.

God, I wish. If this were actually true, niggers would be terrified to so much as open their dicksuckers in public.

My best friend is greek, and I've been over to his house before. His mum hates the turks with a burning passion. Its really awkward being on the fence about racial issues like that when I have dinner and politics comes up

Well america has just gone from 90% white to 50% over the past 30 years, and whites now face the prospect of being a hated, discriminated minority in their own country.

Never said that. I said they hate white people. Their standard is shit.

Prospect and reality are two different things
call me when that shit actually goes down

I just googled, the last Black person killed in Russia was 16 years ag and Russian in Africa even before that. I should stop responding your troll post, you are obviously American.

>Why are they leaving their peaceful, tolerant countries to be attacked?

because russia wants to copy china. they want to expand their influence where the west have ignored. exchange student programs are cheap way to say they are allies. but reality is far from it. russians hate blacks. show me half nigger breeds in russia. there are none.


>Never said that.

follow the discussion moron.

No they don't. Those student programs were started by Soviet Union and had declined since 1990s.

and you are obviously russian troll. lol.

>had declined since 1990s.

russian is not racist. lol.

Racism is in direct correlation to the % of minorities near you. People aren’t naturally racist. They learn it when they have to suffer through being around a bunch of NIGGERS

There are no half breed Mexicans either, what's your point? Should they race mix to prove something to Amerimutts?

>in their own country.
Like how other then white race was treated? Like that?