If the sun goes out, how long until the last human dies. Is survival even possible?

If the sun goes out, how long until the last human dies. Is survival even possible?

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8 years

That's a reasonable number.

Why this number?

When the sun dies it will kill everything around it. Don't worry though, as far as mankind and humanity is concerned we will never experience the sun's death.

light from sun to earth estimated at 8 years, but the earth is liquid soo I say a 9 years.
keeping ourselfs alive is challenging withut keeping our food alive.

I think op meant if it just stopped emitting light, not going supernova
It’s 8 min, not 8 years

few years at most, depends if they happen to live near geothermal activity. Vsauce and kurzgesagt both have videos on it, good watch.


amazing that no one posted this yet

It's 8 minutes and a half approx.

thank you
how did i get years one light year is the size of the solar system?.

Just throw some ice cube at it lmao.

Sure always send the black guy.. no.

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I assume a couple of years, maybe decades. A couple of hundred thousands could go deep underground and use nuclear power. They could use grow lights and hydroponics for some time to produce food. Eventually, their infrastructure would decay as there wouldn't be enough people to keep economy going.

None I see have factored in our atmosphere will most likely disappear very quickly. Without sunlight, there will be no "weather" and air will no longer circulate nor will water vapor evaporate to form rain to grow crops. Yes, a few people may live a few years but that is about all.

There is a video on youtube that explains exactly what would happen OP.

If the sunto earth's 8 minutes, does a year across the system sound correct?

7n a work to survive situation economy is meaningless
The pay is staying alive


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It won't disappear, it would be more stable to the planet without solar activity.
The gas composition would change, but considering the amount of animal life that would die along with plant life the oxygen would last a very long time.
Weather would still exist, just driven by different forces, mostly the oceans.

Governments have rockets ready for this. Important and rich people get in and the rickets just travel away from the sun at 8 minutes per hour and they keep up with where the warm is