Why are so many ppl trying so hard to make recreational marijuana legal is it really necessary or just some hippie...

Why are so many ppl trying so hard to make recreational marijuana legal is it really necessary or just some hippie yuppie bullshit excuse to get high?

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I do not believe in a democarcy of.... Of a better word of understanding... Of forces... That do not command us.... We will lay down our arms... And LOOK UP NOW. LIE DOWN. LIE DOWN.

Stoners gonna stoner.
That's really all there is to know op.

Because it's one of the safest drug there is

Tobacco is basically the same shit, but somehow that's a health hazard and weed isn't?

freedom to do whatever the fuck i want

Tobaccos legal my guy

Not the same shit at all

Why do some seething shitstains care what other people do with their bodies?

Seriously, motherfucker, have you ever left your parent's basement?

I... never said it wasn't?

Because it makes mad money via taxes, and saves more freeing up police resources.

Conservatives argue all the time that it isn't the point of the government to make rules regarding gun control - no matter what laws you make, a criminal will never obey drugs.

In the same regard, do you not think that it is foolish to outlaw recreational drugs? Or is it just bad because black people use marijuana? What is the logical excuse against it?

Less excuses for cops to fuck with people. Less excuses for kikes to make for why niggers are in prison. If you hate kikes, niggers, and cops, you should support legalization.

>inhales a bunch of smoke
>fuck up your lungs over years of use
Basically the same, so far as my post is concerned.
You say that as if you have?


*no matter what laws you make, a criminal will never want to obey those laws.

>Or is it just bad because black people use marijuana? What is the logical excuse against it?

You forgot hippies, the war on drugs was a cover to attack black and hippie populations (who were also antiwar at the time)

Because it needs to be removed from federal banning so we can start applying it medicinally and so we can have less casualties in the transport and use of hemp.
The fact that there has been a hemp replacement for the plastic grocery bags we use, and done on only a 4% increase from plastic bags. That would be great for the environment because it can be entirely recycled, but lobbyist are making sure that hemp and marijuana are still in a grey area in the places where those plants would be most profitable.
Alcohol is too valuable to too many people.

I'd tell you potheads to go touch grass, but you'd all probably try to roll it in a joint and smoke it.

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news."

"Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did,"


You know edibles are a thing, also vaping. Not the same chemicals too.

Makes sense

Weed being criminalized means tens of thousands of extra people in prison and (with three strike laws) many of them are doing unreasonable 20+ year stints on taxpayer dime. The whole system only serves to enrich the owners of private prisons and farms (who use the prisoners as slave labor).
Even if you've never smoked a joint in your life it's easy to see that the situation is kind of fucked up and should probably be changed.
Of course, there are also a bunch of parallels between weed and cigarettes/alcohol which make its illegal status not make much sense from the standpoint of reason... but then you remember all those folks getting rich because it's illegal and the picture starts to come together.

Thanks for digging that up, I'm fucking lazy lol

It might help to know that the first state laws against it were put in place for generally racist reasons, and Federal laws were used to JumpStart the DEA. It is still the only Schedule 1 Narcotic that can't kill you.

The whole War on Marijuana, and drugs in general, is just a massive false flag op. Like any prohibition, it just drives the cost up and makes it more popular with some people. It also makes synthetic versions that are legal more profitable. When you know that over one third of congress are heavily invested in Big Pharma, and Big Pharma donates more than any other industry to BOTH parties, it all starts to make sense