Explain the Ukrainian Border Crisis like I’m a 5 year old

Explain the Ukrainian Border Crisis like I’m a 5 year old.

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Bunch of hot blondes about to get blacked

democrats are trying to create a political distraction in an election year after extremely unpopular president fails to look even remotely competent, while at the same time reverse a failing economy with war due to their inept and retarded liberal policies which killed the previous economy

Russia wants to take it's old land back

This is a great lecture but in short.
>Ukraine is strategiccally important because it’s the entrance to the great plains that roll through all of (inhabited Russia up until the Ural mountains
>Armies can traverse this terrain easily
>After fall of USSR the West (USA/EU/NATO) promised not to move up east towards Russia
>Move up to Russia assimilating Poland, Czech Republic etc into EU/NATO
>Ukraine is up next
>Putin be like: I’ll break it before you can take it
>Cause civil war and tear Ukraine apart to spite the West
Basically the West’s fault for assimilating all of Eastern Europe in order to encircle Russia



>>After fall of USSR the West (USA/EU/NATO) promised not to move up east towards Russia

Any sauce on this? heard it is a lie.

>>Move up to Russia assimilating Poland, Czech Republic etc into EU/NATO

Every country apply, it is up to NATO to admit.

>>Ukraine is up next


>>Putin be like: I’ll break it before you can take it

Ukraine is sovereign, innit?

>>Cause civil war and tear Ukraine apart to spite the West

Might do.

>Basically the West’s fault for assimilating all of Eastern Europe in order to encircle Russia

BS, try again. Russia had/has chance to join EU in a way. Had in 2007 or so. Declined.


It’s meaningless escalation. Even the Ukrainian president told Biden to settle down bro

The latest reaction from Putin seems to be just a response to NATO saying Ukraine will join them with little merit to the how and why

It honestly to me seems like meaningless escalation from a failing US president. Midterms historically elect incumbent parties during wars, this would be his motive

literally nobody wants biden to invade especially not regular american people. this is just a fucking smokescreen the dems are desperate to put something besides inflation in the media cycle. their miscalculation is that the average man couldnt give two shits about russia, ukraine, or any faggotry inbetween

For some reason, the old dude in charge of Russia wants to rebuild the Soviet Union while NATO, which was created to combat the USSR, wants to include Ukraine, mind you no where near the Atlantic, so the US can have military bases right next door to Russia.

also the great irony of these demoshits claiming to stand for sovereign borders (of ukraine not america) and democracy (of ukraine, not america)

Attached: migrant fox drone.png (1265x601, 1.25M)

Putin's popularity has dropped, even among his most ardent sycophants. Papa Putin's special bois love a strong daddy figure who makes them feel safe and special. A war will make everything better!

>include Ukraine
only Ukraine?

how would americans feel if china or russia started setting up missile bases in canada and mexico? literally this is russias issue with NATO moving into ukraine, which also makes no sense from a NATO standpoint because no NATO country wants to pay to support more defenses in ukraine. this entire thing is one big forced psyop by the uniparty warmonger liberal democrats and establishment RINO republicans

ask yourself who gets rich from war?

this but switch Putin to biden, you lying rat kike

Yepper, All those American troops on the Russian border are proof of that.

Oh wait...

>setting up missile bases
so it is worth an invasion?



Too many questions in there, hoss.

Yeah, I think it's bullshit. The US has bases all over the world and gets pissy when someone says no. Not to mention the Ukrainian president is a puppet of the US democrat party and all the other bullshit "influence" the US has created through subversion and revolutions and shit.

>[Gorki has entered the chat]

So, after a year of building up 100,000 troops and sending Russian troops into Ukraine already Biden responds eight days ago (weakly), and it's all his fault?

I can't decide if you're an Ivan or a Republican. Of course, both want to destroy America so it doesn't matter.