What should the age of consent be, and why?

What should the age of consent be, and why?

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150. To stop people breeding.

21 because pedos are fucking cringe

Am 32 now, any sex I had before 21 was meaningless and too ich of a risk in retrospect

none, rape laws exist for a reason umu



it's 16 in most of europe and I'd say that that or 17 is about right, no less though

21 where the older partner is in a position of power over the younger.
16-18 generally.
Near age exceptions down to 14 or 13 aka if you're in high school together it's legal to have sex with each other.

If you can speak you can spread them cheeks
If you can walk you can take a cock

I mean tbh 16 because people are already fucking at that age anyway and this weird coddling of "they can't make decisions yet!" is retarded since they're already driving a vehicle at that age.

The secret is most people can't make decisions rationally for their entire life

Meh, 14 seems about right. Plenty of countries have done it without issues. Still have it illegal to film though.

I started banging at 13 and turned out fine.


Obvious pedo

Consent to what?


Puberty, but the partner can't be over 5 years older until both are 18

Unironically early teens.

There's no evidence I'm aware of that European countries with such ages have issues that Anglo countries solve with higher ages.

Plus we all know that white men/boys are the only ones who care about these laws, making high AOCs a de facto "Jamal/Paco/Mohamed gets their turn first" law

No matter how low is the age of consent it won't change the fact that young people experiment sex with people about the same age, old pedos can just stop thinking young lolis would fuck their ugly ass even if allowed by law.

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Age of consent should be 15, age of nonconsent should be 18-24, then back to consent at 25.

4. Because they can fully talk and think and know what feels good or bad and touching skin is just skin. It's weird that people think there's a difference between holding hands and holding a cock in your hand. It's just skin.

14-16 if they are actively in a relationship with the older person, so long as that older party does not breach 1-2 years over 30. After 30, it should he half your age plus or minus one to two years.
Young healthy men could wife prime highschool girls to give them love, support, and a future. Old men no longer legal to fuck under 30 year olds.


this guy's a genius

It should be 14 period. Faggot

kys, roastie

13 but only for girls I want to fuck
For other people its 21


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Because every person that age would be independant enough. (College, work, ect.)
No highschoolers to be found that's why

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