I dont know whats going on with me or my life...

I dont know whats going on with me or my life. I feel like i dont know anything or anybody except like my few friends i have and care about. I dont know what i know or what i dont know. I feel like im in a weird place. I dont know even how to describe it. Im still a virgin and i dont even really care any more. I dont know if its good or bad. I just want to be happy. I want to be in the right place. I dont know what is going on even in my mind. The reason im saying this is because i need to. I feel like a leaf blowing around wherever the wind takes me. I cant move. I cant breathe. I dont know what or who or where i am or what the future has in store for me. I have theories, but i dont know for sure. I dont seem to trust even solid facts for some reason. What do i know? Am i supposed to be here? I dont seem to have answers even now. Maybe im just being vague and stupid. I dont know anything i dont think. Just hurt and pain i feel like. I dont know. Theres nobody coming to help me. Thats what it feels like

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You no longer feel the presence of God - pray and abstain from degeneracy

Welcome to the horrible awareness of reality and your place in it.

Did the feeling go away?

Just relax, tomorrow is a new day.

i pray but i still dont feel right

neither do I...

Wonder why

I feel exactly the same user, you are not alone I'm not alone we are fighting together in the same team, one day user we will wake up and be excited to live that day it's just matter of time I don't know how much time we need but it's there we will be there eventually, that's the only thing keeping me alive, I believe that day will come

dear op.
that is nihilism, and after a while the only thing you can do is to try to live a life in a society where you don't entirely fit in. the cost of not fitting in is in my case depression, and it adds another few layers of having to actually do stuff you don't really need or feel like doing. this stuff is usually keeping in touch with friends and family at the very least, and holding down a job unless you want to fall off the normalized grid.
it's hard.
as for not knowing anything about anything, and not trusting anything, you just have to sort of feel your way through it. 'fairly certain' is often good enough - one doesn't have to be 'absolutely certain' all the time. hardly any time, actually. from this you build new neural pathways and experiences to help you Dexter your way through life.
make sure you find out if there is anything you do like, and try to make a hobby out of it.
i travel, often in conjunction with concerts i want to see. makes me see new places, experience new things and listen to the same old tired shit i've always listened to. some times it's fascinating, and enables your brain to learn or experience, and might even release some chemicals you're rarely feeling.

Perhaps u are right after laughing at shitposts i feel better

thats true i do have hobbies i like but today it just all felt pointless and still does, maybe im outgrowing things

i need boobis

sign of depression (-:

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ITT Godless virgins need more stoicism and less SOYcialism.

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You gots the depression. Go get something to deliver your neurotransmitters in a non-retarded way.

to whatever comfort it may be, it requires effort of me to actually do hobbies as well, and i'll have to trust and hope that i'm wrong about it being boring before i go into hobbying. often i do end up more positive despite my bleak precognition of doing hobbies.

me too

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not OP but what do you recommend?

Will the feeling every go away or is this it for the rest of my life?

I dont know

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