You idiots are all too busy focusing on joe biden

You idiots are all too busy focusing on joe biden.
The democrats intentionally ran joe biden as a bad candidate people would dislike, they're paving the way for hilary clinton. Dont believe me?
>nobody would vote for her
She won the popular vote in 2016 when the democrats were riding the obama high and weren't thinking too hard about voting. She lost because liberals and democrats didn't take trump seriously and thought they could just walk it in. As of the 2020 election cycle democrats started paying more attention and organized hard to get trump out of office. People didn't vote FOR joe biden they voted AGAINST trump.
Joe has been proving himself more and more worthless as his term goes on and now looks whos slowly creeping back into the public consciousness, its hilary. She even read her planned 2016 victory speech as a covert message "you wish you had voted for me instead of letting trump get in dont you?"
When the candidates for 2024 are being decided hilary will throw in and she'll try to make it to the presidency and just might.
Now, before you focus your rage on me for bringing her up, because lets be honest nobody but the middlest of class liberals likes hilary, focus your energy on finding smarter ways of undercutting hilary.
This is your best plan of action if you want trump 2024.

Attached: 885B6DE6-4CEB-4F01-898A-CF804794C2FC.jpg (840x472, 69.16K)

You are probably right, but after the very blatant boxes that were shipped in and all the footage people took. I doubt people will have brains enough to focus despite you being right here.

The commies will always cry and moan or even bikelock your head if given the chance, because that's how true their ideal is - communism will work and people gotta die in the process for it to be done.

Nahh i've just gotten to the point where i expect the worst every single time. Whilst working on learning very flexible hard-survival skills of different types. Because the world as a whole will become a far more shit place with america becoming a giant toddler world-wide. They aren't a superpower anymore. Not at all.

She might run, but I doubt she would at this stage in her life. Still, she might. She'd still be a terrible candidate.

>after the very blatant boxes that were shipped in and all the footage people took
Bы бoльшe никoгo нe oбмaнывaeтe, тoвapищ. Eшь cвoй бopщ и мoлчи.

I am a bit of a commie but i get really bored reading the political discussion here as people focus on the previous battle.
I was planning on developing survival skills but I didn't have the money when i lived in the countryside and now i live in the city so its not really an option. I've been developing my hand sewing though which could be a useful/employable skill if everything goes to shit.

I'm a libtard and if the Dems run Hillary again I'll fucking scream, she blew an election to Donald Trump and I have zero faith that she won't do it again.

I don't want Trump, I don't want Clinton, and I have zero faith that the Dems won't run Clinton and lose.

>intentionally ran joe biden as a bad candidate
And yet he beat Trump.

Attached: 2022-01-24 20.03.41 265fb9dc782b.jpg (442x232, 18.26K)

Sure he did.

She will die from the job if she runs.

Aslo Cлyшaй cюдa, мaлeнький зacpaнeц, дa бyдeт тeбe извecтнo, чтo y мeня бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв, нeт, нo, мoжeт быть, мнoжecтвo дeшeвых лeгкoвых и гpyзoвых aвтoмoбилeй мoгyт cдeлaть пoдъeм тяжeлoгo ящикa cлишкoм тpyдным для этих paздpaжaющих кoммyниcтoв в cлeдyющий paз?

Russian text gives me translation error in google translate.

We did think that of both trump and biden and its yet to be seen with biden but i don't think it's impossible for hilary to survive her presidency. Tbh i think the evil scheming and hatred has preserved her artificially and she'll survive a long time.

Did you read the post or just the first two lines?

>but after the very blatant boxes that were shipped in and all the footage people took.
All this stuff happened but not one lawyer on Trump's or the RNC payroll ever filed a lawsuit alleging it? That's weird? Almost like that stuff didn't actually happen. What's weirder than that is Trump's America First PAC took in almost $60 million in political donations specifically to fund legal teams to "stop the steal" and spent exactly $0 dollars doing it.

If Trump runs again (he won't) he'd get slaughtered -- it would be non-stop political ads linking him to Jan 6th.

At this stage Donkeys are desperate enough to vote for George Floyd

It starts with yan and stops with dex. Vastly superior to google translate, enjoy.

Sure she might live, but it is in fact a very very stressful job. HOWEVER, it will only get more stressful. Because she will demonize russia and ignore china which is the true real threat along with commie pink haired larpers country-wide. And that will make it all even worse. She only want her legacy of being the first female president to be fulfilled. However, it is arguably the worst time in history for one if we don't got a better younger and sharper candidate. I don't care, ever will, if a woman is in charge or not. The problems, that's what matters. And i think anyone with a brain can see that the second best is that orange dumbass whom prioritized the country and it's people before fucking CRACK PIPES and nuking the gas/electric price for it's citizens.

OH you never learned of why. Alright.

Some super higher-up top of the hierarchy lawyer person threatened every other lawyer with revoking their license if they ever went ahead and sued.

There's a very blatant clip about the threat, it was on american tv i believe. I think podcast of the lotus eaters played it off earler on when their channel was new.

Point and case, this corruption is so thick i am really not surprised. Then again i saw what many saw on american tv. But sadly, most americans and commie larpers are so braindead retarded they likely didn't even understood that this threat went down on tv for them all to see. Better yet, you would yawn at the words spoken and ask me "what did that mean?".

Not my problem. Not my country whom is controlled by someone that diddled kids on the pedo island. Cry more.

>he sure did.

All of these old farts are gonna be senile or bed-ridden by the next election.
Stop voting for has been old fucks!
They stop being scary political demons when they drool and their hair falls out.

I knew about the image search being alot better i hadn't checked out the translation, thanks user.

I would generally agree that china is the bigger threat to U.S. empire, and the current ukraine situation and the fact its worked in the past may cause her to focus disproportionately on russia.
I think the bigger threat beyond the street violence is the broad incompetence or unwillingness of the american state to change and appease their voters, the street fight i generally consider to be weighted towards the right since the establishment and the cops are far more likely to side with them than the lefty street fighters. The government sometimes has trouble with the actual fascists because one wing of the movement has a strong anti-government bent but in general the right is far more likely to demonstrate against the left which gives the cops an excuse to come in and teargas everyone.
This is definitely a bad time for pretty much any of the ancieny establishment candidates to be in charge but those are the only people who are likely to win so, eh. I suspect it will come down to lesser of two evils thinking.
I suspect the establishment set things in movement that will lead to civil war(not wishful thinking, i think the right will probably win on the broad scale of it) and you're in the phase where you don't know it het but its coming. We'll see i guess.
Anyhow, despite my commie leanings i disagree with alot of my comrades. I think its a good thing if trump gets into power again because it would further my own national interest. Good luck on the campaign trail user.

Christ you're so completely indoctrinated by the "real media" that you've lost the plot completely. Biden fucking won for the same reason that Hillary won; nobody considered Trump as a legitimate candidate. He had the presidency GIVEN to him in '16 because the Right controlled the majority of the government. Trump's presidency was a McConnell presidency plain and simple. He was a puppet meant to distract from the true powers that be. He just fucked up so publicly that his mistakes became national policy and his handlers had to roll with it every fucking day.

The Trump virus is very much a pandemic because of his ego. I mean Modified SARS from a lab that was being funded by his administration JUST HAPPENS to get released "accidently" RIGHT AFTER he fucks up trade negotiations with China THEN goes and rants about how China made a mistake that will have "consequences like the world has never seen." He wasn't even subtle about it, he went on the national stage and let the world know what his plan was. He thought the sars would decimate China to the point where they'd BEG for the USA to bail them out.

Then his virus wen pandemic.

The true american has arrived i see

Still obsessed with Hilary Clinton. When will boomers get past their "supervillain" mindset?

>the street fight i generally consider to be weighted towards the right since the establishment and the cops are far more likely to side with them than the lefty street fighters.

Salty leftist BLM protesters burned down easily over 500.000.000$ dollars in shops, merch, investments, homes, etc. With so much footage to back it up (also drone footage) for scale, people denying this are akin to a flat earther.

If drone footage isn't good enough for you, nothing will be. And i guess people of that sort are the same whom think the moonlanding was fake and that the earth is flat. Or who believe the media when they lie and tell you that X person is just in a cult, is racist, is homophobic blah blah blah blah.

The media isn't doing their job anymore, they just sleep, shit, eat, retweet, and repeat. Fucking children in adult clothes all of them. Running cover for whoever pay them the most.

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Not american. I am Norwegian btw. The world could get really messy if China decide to do ANYTHING spicy. So regardless of what you believe, i hope America can get back on their feet. Corruption will not end.

Chinese politicians can fuck off btw, the CCP is cancer. Full of aids ridden retards.

Didnt read. Obviously another triggered political fag.

They all get put down sooner or later though. If it ever looks like its going to develop into something more than a way to protest or let out aggression the cops or the army will probably start shooting live rounds.
Admittedly thought the american media is shit yes, thats why i dont pay them much mind.
I don't particularly like the chinese, and the possibility of world-ending nuclear warfare is just something I've come to accept.
That being said even though they are an aspiring empire i like the chinese model of empire more than the american one and if we can remain stable throughout the collapse of the us we may, with help from our commonwealth allies, be able to gain territory along the border states.

Thats fine your kind don't seem to do much reading anyhow.