No Tip = No Food. If you can't afford to tip, PICK THE FOOD UP YOUR FUCKING SELF...

No Tip = No Food. If you can't afford to tip, PICK THE FOOD UP YOUR FUCKING SELF. You will be refunded the delivery fee and can come pick it up at the restaurant. It's obviously up to the delivery driver whether they want to deliver the food, and they're allowed to change their minds at any point in the process before handing over the food. This wouldn't be an issue if you just tipped like you know you are supposed to.

Attached: DELIVERYDRIVER-SMALLER.jpg (1000x666, 159.14K)

Or they don't pick it up chargeback the charge on the card and the store goes out of business. I tip but lets be real if the person doesn't they are an asshole and ass holes only care about themselves.

How about I decide on a tip after the food has been delivered? It pisses me off when I give them five bucks on a 25 dollar order, and then some stupid nigger collects my stuff and goes driving all over town, like he cant even follow a gps...

You're a good man. I don't deliver to houses that don't tip and if it's a new house that doesn't tip, I'll take the food back to the restaurant where they can pick it up. The food doesn't get fucked with in any way, but it might be cold by the time they get it (NMFP). My dad's best friend owns the joint and the first time I ever did it I explained it to him and he was cool about it, he doesn't care if he gets the business of cheap fucks because he has integrity. I wish you could see the look on their faces when they begrudgingly come to get the food themselves, lmao.

Sure, tip at the door, that's fine, but if you pay online without tip I'm not handing the food over until I receive a tip. If there's no tip, it goes back into the car and you can get it yourself after I'm done with the other deliveries and get back to the store.

>whether they want to deliver
I guess they can decide to work in a fucking factory 9-5 and try bitching to the boss about tips.

Thats a good way to get your ass beat, mr Internet Tough Guy

He has tegrity

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I make 35/hr doing a real job before anyone accuses me of entitlement or some shit, but I do these delivery apps on the side for play money and off budget money and I like chiming in cause you no tip fags do not understand something.

I don't actually care if you tipped or not. When I see an order it doesn't tell me until I check more details. What it tells me is how much (total) I'm making, how much I'm picking up, and how far I'm driving it.
From that I can very very quickly calculate how much an hour I'm going to make doing it, and how much gas it's going to cost me.

I will not take your order if it's too small and not worth my time. I absolutely will take your order if it is. Also realize I have extremely high ratings. I'm not an idiot, I know how to pick your food at the store, I know how to deal with them not having stuff you want, I'll communicate, we'll be pals by the end of it.
Because of my high ratings, I see all orders FIRST. It gets to me before it gets to jaswinderpreet.

So, if you tip, you're gonna get me or someone like me. If you don't tip, you're gonna get a guy who's gonna say they were out of half the shit you wanted, eat your groceries on the way to your house, take 3 hours to deliver cause he's running 4 apps (spoiling your food), and he's gonna throw the shit at your door.

This is pure cause and effect. Not entitlement. Tip well, get better service. Not because I hate you for not tipping. Because if it's worth my time, I'll do it. My standard isn't even high for "worth my time". If it isn't, enjoy your run in with the Poors.

Lmao stfu mongoloid. Literally none of what you said happens

I don't wanna be pals with you buddy I want you to give me my pizza hut

Yet another internet hard man mouthing off

Lay a finger on me and I'll call the fucking cops, macho man.

I can tell this guy is white

This is why I always pickup the food at the restaurant. I refuse to pay entitled worthless twat faces such as yourself who offer, quite literally, zero economic value. You make society that much poorer.

OP is a spoiled little bitch and a half

R/unpopularopinions is that way faggot --->

Based AF

idiots, eu has free delivery services..
they will even reimburse you if an article can't be delivered, and give you a bonus article like candy to make up for it. learn what customer oriented means you fuckhat

It's quite simple. Tip or understand that some nigger with AIDS might be jacking off into your alfredo sauce.

i just place another order and someone else will pick it up and you get paid

Checked. But I don't fuck around with anyone's food. I simply take it back to the restaurant (after my round of deliveries of course).