I'm a success at life. What are you?

I'm a success at life. What are you?

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>Success at life
>On 4 chan
These two don't mix

Consider me an exception then

I'm considering the fact that this sentence is full of cope.
Face it, user. Those who consider themselves smarter likely aren't. /thread

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When did I ever say I was smarter? Threading your own post as well? Well now you've convinced me I'm smarter. Good job. Not really in the mood to argue so take your L now and go along your merry way.

I'm on the cusp of success.

The company I started with some guys at work before Covid is now worth millions. We just need to grow it a bit more, find a buyer and I'll be retired in my thirties.

>I'm a success at life
>is on Any Forums

8 years ago I started a company and I'm currently getting 776k salary. Tell me about yourself, how was the hot pocket mom made?

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Sorry sport. But animation ultra hard-core boogeyman is not myself. Just because he's all you see when you shut your measly little eyes at night doesn't mean he's everyone at any given point. Take care of yourself bud.

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how successful are you

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I like you user


not, he's the logfag

You seem pretty level headed

You wouldn’t post yourself as the animaterr man, would you?

happy if the market recovers

No especially since I'm not him. Actually fuck it, sure, I'm him. What are you gonna do?

Thank you user, I now know

you work 9 to 5 making 10k a year kill yourself know your place

I’m in prison and earn cents

>not, he's the logfag
how much it pays

I have a 30 yr bid, I will beat the log fag, he’s the real cancer

Funny how he can’t post here, that’s just funny and revealing