In a few days...

In a few days, I am going to plead guilty to several counts which will likely end up with me getting put in the county slammer for a few months to a year. How do you make it in jail, Any Forums?

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What did you do?

Keep ur shit lubed up n ready any time

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Dumb shit.

For what? I was in for 3 months for possession and assault but the charges got dropped, but have a borther in prison. It's place dependant from what I gather but jail is reasonably easy. Make sure whoever is on the outside will keep money flowing for your phone and commissary. Be friendly but stand tall and don't be a goof. It helps to respect the guards but don't be buddy buddy and don't act like a bitch if one is on a power trip - play dumb and be boardlines obstinate without doing shit. Read a lot, don't trust anyone, and don't share anything personal or trackabke in the real world.

I know what you are, but what did you do?

Get good at boxing or blowjobs.

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Sit back and observe. The more you pay attention to how things work, the better your experience. Your ignorance will get you straight fucked, so pay attention to what others do and don't make assumptions. Besides that, there are some basics. We're your fucking sandles in the shower. Don't rack up a debt. Don't share your food. Mind your business and be careful who you talk to. If you watch and observe how things work, you just might not get your shit pushed in or your guts pulled out by the foot.

>t. read a lot of prisoner ama's

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He's a Any Forumstard, what do you think?

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>few months to a year

Not that.

Get with the biggest nigger in there and become his bitch. This will keep you safe during your incarceration.

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punch every guy you meet

Be the guy who smears shit on himself or the guy that bites dicks, that's the only way to not get raped. Good luck faggot nigger

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I used to score mad pussy back in the day.

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god damn, I know he's old and gross, but fuck, let the man get some dye and a hair cut

Habeas corpus, you feel me?


>How do you make it in jail
make sure you have a lose anus

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why he in jail

rape of pornstars. because that makes sense

But I have a win anus

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