These save lives no matter what year it is. that fact wont change during your lifetime

these save lives no matter what year it is. that fact wont change during your lifetime

Attached: PPE-3-Ply-Mask.jpg (900x900, 214.64K)

they don't work if nobody wears them

thats why it should be enforced

I'd be fine wearing them every winter. Colds suck.

How are you going to enforce rules that nobody follows?


I fucking hate the masks with a passion but honestly, I haven’t been sick in almost 3 years. I guess they definitely do help stop the spread of anything. No fucking way am I going to keep wearing it when the mandate ends tho

You're a dork. Says so right on the box those dont work for covid-19. And nothing works against omicron.


Did you see that huge spike in cases? Nothing stopped that or even slowed it down.

i believe you which is why this proven life saving garment must be enforced by legislation

I just think of all the ugly faces I don't have to look at. Or didn't have to look at.

100% assholes that come into work should wear these
Tired of catching their shit cause they're too fucking stupid to take a day off

Just think of all the young people that suicided over unnecessary masks and lockdowns that didnt work.

This girl at work with super ugly face and nice body has turned into 10/10 with the mask on

you're a fucking retard. the weather has nothing to do with colds.

reducing the speed limit for all vehicles to 10 ,ph would also save lives, but we don't do it because we aren't a bunch of insufferable pussies. Libs are hilarious. Cowering in fear for 3 fucking years over something that has a 99.9% survival rate.

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>Just think of all the children

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this is actually bad for mating if you think about it

Lucky fuckers.

They're great for cycling in the winter. Really cuts down on the chapped lips danger.

Liberal hypocrisy right there. No wonder the blue state exodus is accelerating.

Danger lol. Typical libfag cyclist

Aren't they killing countless sea creatures because masktards don't know how to use a bin?

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It isn’t 99.9, and the young/healthy surviving isn’t the problem. The problem is the with the old/unhealthy and also the long term effects of having Covid

Conservative cyclist here. Stay fat.

thats a fine argument if you are going the route of human lives are worth less than sea animal lives

top kek. What's the hardest part about cycling?

Telling your parents that you're gay.

The past 3 years have truly convinced me of that

Thats what fat people always say. And I think masks are retarded but if they other cyclist in this thread wants to wear one, IDGAF.

shut the fuck up, faggot. no one cares about your old fat-ass mom. We're moving on with our lives. It's over.

>you're a fucking retard. the weather has nothing to do with colds.
lol, imagine thinking that winter is only synonymous with weather

The masks don't do anything, except maybe help prevent spittle from entering an open wound during surgery. But if your surgeon is a drooling moron then you've got bigger problems.

they absolutely are. Most humans are straight trash and should die ASAP.

do you wear the gay pants too?

Lycra is for fags. But again I dont care what other people do as long as they dont force shit on me.

colds are only more predominant in winter because the cold air makes your nose run, then you rub your nose and spread the cold. Virues don't magically appear in the winter, retard.

It hasn't been 3 years, less than 2 years for most of the world caring about a virus emerging from China

classic 1999 was 10 years ago Any Forums logic

ill take your opinion seriously if you can tell me you would accept surgery from a maskless doctor

I'm with ya there, but you're still a fag. There are other ways to get a cardio workout without being the most annoying sect on earth.

Well that's a strange thing to say considering I just said that that's the only time they are appropriate.

Nice try. Crack a med book once in a while. Spending time in cold temps and more time indoors weakens the human immune system. Less vitamin D and less exercise, no bueno.