What do you actually call this?

What do you actually call this?

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Fucking delicious

A standard Amerifat breakfast.

a fairly small amount

junk food, fine in moderation, what do (you) call it?

Delicious and filling. I might be able to eat half of that.

Damging food

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Food getting cold because a fucktard wants to take a picture of it

medical bill assistance


Fast food. Don't eat this daily and you'll be fine. Unlike that retard who made that documentary.

You wouldn’t need medical assistance from eating.

You could eat five Big Macs a day and lose weight.

a staged picture?

Who's the fatty eating an extra boigr

That actually looks pretty good. I think it has been a couple years since I've had fast food. It can be nice in moderation

What about this?

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A Trumpian feast.

a breakfeast?

Why do people call it junk when it’s from McDonalds but normal when you cook it at home?

the mcheart-attack

A bag of McDonald's in display form

a greasy cheeseburger once in awhile ain't gonna kill you

They heard it from someone else.

yes it absolutely will and red bull breaks car windows


Oh. I wasn’t sure what it was called.



says the faggot who weighs 800 pounds

a light snack.

Don't know about that. You'd have to be a pretty big guy. But you can lose weight regardless of what you're eating and if you working out and counting calories.

Donald and Melania’s anniversary

Because at home you know how much grease and other stuff you're adding to your food

Extra preservatives and Additives, but I would still call it junk food when cooked at home.

Cause it's processed. But It'll be junk at home too if it's processed as well.

The "normal one from at home" doesn't contain high levels of salt and high fructose corn syrup, which have been proven to be directly linked to diabetes and heart disease.

Shit, guess I'll start eating like that. Both of them look great for their age.
>inb4 trumptard
They do look good, and I bet they don't eat that much anyway


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>The Diabetus Order
Shall only the only ones who know the name of this monstrozity order it.

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New Jordie Jordan meal from McDonalds

In America you can get a large McBeetus meal for $30.00. We call this a "Big Carl" here in CaliWali (Faggotland for you outsiders). The best thing too is that you don't even have to walk you just pull and its always hot and greasy at the window. What food traditions do you have in your region?

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A light snack before dinner.

We calculated it once and a normal burger made at home is actually a lot worse for you than McDonald’s. even when leaner meat is used unless you have really thin Patties. You’d have to use turkey or chicken to be better off.



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