I want to kill myself but dont have the courage to do it

I want to kill myself but dont have the courage to do it.
What should I do Any Forums?

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Stop jerking off, start eating better, start getting active. You won’t want to kill yourself anymore

I dont see how any of this will help me

Or get courage (usually freebie at bottom of vodka bottle) and do a flip.

so you don't even have the courage to give a shit about yourself

keep living, faggot. suffer.

why should i suffer?
thats why i want to kms

befriend a dog and then kill it with your hands, this will entangle the quantum field of you brain with the soul of that dog, next drink it's blood, this will capture it's life force into your body and will become full of energy. Repeat this a few times to cure depression and erectile disfunction.


fucking dipshit

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i will kill you



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Cope or rope, that's the real answer. 10 seconds of suffering and be free or cope with the eternal suffering. I soon will be free user.

Go to church. I just did for the first time. Have been depressed and wanting to off myself but get faith in God. Start lifting weights. Stop being a wimp. Get out there. We don't have a lot of time on this planet and live for something besides posting pics of cats on internet or whatever it is you do.

i just dont think anything can help me

then why are you seeking help

based truth, had same response. Go to a Catholic Church, or don't and if not don't ask again.

>I don't see how any of this will help me
In other words you're too lazy to actually exercise or make an effort to eat better

im not seeking help
i want to know how can i kms

exercising or eating better wont do shit

a gun, a train, a plastic bag. I think you just want someone to talk to and that's ok. I'm the guy who just got out of church and feel amazing. I just cleaned up my shit hole of an apartment. busted out the weights. going to buy veggies to be on a diet to lose weight. I'm here man. What's troubling you?

if you have to ask you'll never know. you'd just fuck it up anyway, and have to live as a cripple or partial vegetable. Actually that sounds hilarious, good luck.

Yes it does. The only people that say it won't are those that haven't done it because they're lazy fucktards and would rather not make actual effort in bettering themselves. They're the kind to just drink or smoke the pain away because it's far easier. I look down on them and you.

OP Broccoli and make a cheese sauce. steamed.

Carrots steamed for 24 mins, little butter, lot of salt and pepper

Hard boiled eggs.

You got to start somewhere. Do you have a job?

Shit or get off the pot. If you're miserable enough to TRULY want to, you'd fucking do it. But you're not there yet. So quit being a little bitch and make your life better. No one can do it for you. If you fail, who the fuck cares? You tried. Keep trying. If you're really as miserable as you say, you'll eventually hit rock bottom, and you'll do it. But do it fucking right, make it as easy on the people who find you as you can. Don't be a cunt in death as well.