I'll try to pray in a bit. Stay for a while, if you want, and maybe share what's troubling you

I'll try to pray in a bit. Stay for a while, if you want, and maybe share what's troubling you.

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I'm so lonely...
why am I always excluded and ignored?
I try my best to be friendly, and all I get is ignored...

Attached: aq1rr9Z_460s.jpg (460x363, 19.71K)

I feel you, user, loneliness is heavy.

Also, if possible, pray for this user .

What's troubling you that you need to pray?
Me i'm just drinking while listening to music, pretty chill.

>What's troubling you that you need to pray?
>Me i'm just drinking while listening to music, pretty chill.
Many things, as everyone, but I'm happy that you are happy and safe, user. God bless you.

No problem, have a sample


Stop being a fuckn pussy

>I so ignore o no

So make yourself heard.. literally the alpha predator of a whole planet with the capability to make things thought incredible. Fuckin airplanes and spacecraft, breaking down the earth and its properties into comprehensible data.

Smarten the fuck up and go get life, instead of letting life get you.. because life don't give a fuck; neither should you.. go have fun and have some fuxking balls to be interesting and not a bitch

You too

On top of all this, I'd prefer to be alone sometimes, been dating again and most these bitches are fuckn irate.. still believe there is someone somewhat sane enough that'll treat me right... here's to hope, like my dumbass is gonna fall head first into a modern dystopia Disney movie; here's to praying bois

>still believe there is someone somewhat sane enough that'll treat me right
me and you sis... there's hope somewhere to be found.

Mom has stage4 cancer and yesterday she was so out of it that she couldn't even eat or drink and in the evening I had to call 911 Because she was almost comatose and when she finally did say something she didn't make sense. She's in the hospital now and I'm just waiting for visiting hours to start.
I wanted to be there when her oncologist comes but I'm sure he's already there. They're trying to get her on hospice... but that means you can't get chemo and my mom still wants to try.

I dread the day something happens to my mother, she has been the only one to support me through this years.

Be there for her, that's all can i say.

i failed in 2 classes for the first time in my life in my 2nd year of uni, first one i guess i had it coming but the 2nd one is what makes me so fucking mad, that shit stain cunt of professor, i help him with everything between him and my classmates and i was the coordinator between him and them and this may sound stupid but i was the only one who calculated with him because he is too fucking stupid to buy calculator, 2nd mid terms everyone got shit grade so he says he will do a bonus quiz out of 10 to help us, come day of the quiz and i have trouble with the car, i had chem lab final before the cunt’s bonus quiz so I finish the final and run to my car and take it to the shop, they finish in an hour and I decided to go home because it’s useless to go back since almost 2/3 of the class is over, come next week and he gives us the grades and i see that he counted bonus quiz as part of it, so i go to talk to him and he says that he said it wasn’t bonus quiz and tells me to make it up in the final, didn’t manage to make it up because of those fucking 10, passed by his office today and considered strangling him to death, short nigger

Stay strong, user. I'll keep you in my prayers, stay strong. I'll pray for her as much as I can today, and for you, too. God bless you. Don't be afraid, God bless you.
God bless you, user.

But I'm sure you will pass both them, user. Don't get too angry like that.


Not a lot of believers tonight...

I feel lost. It seems like nothing goes right and the few things that do don't make me happy. I spend my days daydreaming about the future and feeling useless. I tried believing in God before but that sort of thing can't be faked. I would never kill myself either. It would be nice if I passed away unexpectedly, I wouldn't feel guilty or scared and this useless lukewarm life would finally be over. It was never supposed to begin anyway.

I just want it to make sense at some point. Also, help Kyle's dad get through this, so he can see his family again. Thanks user. I'm not sure I believe, but I want to believe and I want it to all make sense.

Hang in there user. "Dum Spiro, Spero". Where there is breath, there is hope. We don't know what happens when it is all over, probably nothing. So, this is your one chance to experience whatever. You could win the lottery tomorrow, or meet "the one". Tomorrow holds pain and promise, both worth their measure in experience. You got this!

Been stuck ina mental rut. Know what I need to do but doing everyday continually is the struggle. I try to cast all my anxieties to him but when you keep doing the things that cause you anxiety it becomes tough. Keep safe and stay strong everyone.

I've already met my "one", and am with him. I feel so guilty for that not making me genuinely happy. I don't feel like I got this, man. I was spoiled as a child and have zero work ethic. I don't know who will hire me when I'm done with uni. I wouldn't hire me. If I didn't have a boyfriend to not weigh down, I'd be glad with living off subsidies. I'm currently seeing a psychologist for the 3rd time in my life, the useless pos only tells me to write diaries and breathe. I don't know what to do but I don't want to do anything either, I just want to give up

You'll be fine and stay close to kyle while he's going through this.

It can't be faked and it shouldn't be faked, there is no point, but that's a good foundation. I understand how you feel. I don't know what to tell you but you are sincere, you don't want to end your life, you realize your place. It seems to me that you can work with these. Some people don't even have those.
You try your best, user, God bless you. I will pray for you and for Kyle's family. God bless you. Thank you. I liked that you cared for someone else. God bless you, user.
Stay strong, user. God bless you, stay strong. We will do what we can and God will do what we can't, don't be afraid. I know it hurts. God bless you, thank you, user, thank you.