What do you think of the Roman Catholic Church?

What do you think of the Roman Catholic Church?

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i do not think about them. when i do i get angry

I'm still studying the word so my opinion of them is pretty uninformed at best, but they seem okay.

It aight.

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One of the main acceptable forms of Catholicism. Then again anything's better than the nondenominational horde that's rolling over America. Ask a born again Christian to quote one thing from the bible and they will just stand there and go on about Jesus's love like they know wtf that means

I'm embarrassed to tell anyone my family is Roman Catholic because we get accused of touching kids. Also, how does anyone not see the Pope is corrupt as shit?

They accuse you personally? Just tell them to fuck off, nicely.

Seems if they are Christians of any stripe, or Jewish for that matter, they shouldn't be bearing false witness.

How exactly is he corrupt?

Corrupt how

Jesus said to do your piety at home and in private, and God said his priests were the Levites. God also said to circumcise your sons and not eat pork, and not to make idols like those Mary idols you can find in every Catholic church on Earth. God said it was not good for the man to be alone so he provided a woman, but the gay Catholics say they reject women for God. Etc, etc, etc.

Personally, and collectively

The Vatican has over 2 trillion dollars in their coffers. Are you not aware of the gigantic amount of gold they possess? How could anyone with that kind of wealth be seen as a champion of the people

It feels good to be white but that's it

First of all, kids probably were asking for it.
Second, he who is without sin.



Perhaps if you include the value of real estate and art. Who would they sell to?

I'm glad the catholic church has tgat kind of power to hide people and shit

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Pope John Paul II was the last great Pope, and the Church became better under his leadership and reforms.

Pope German Palpatine didn't do much, so there's not a lot to say.

Now the Commie-Jesuit heretic, that bag of dicks and his pedo-pagan friends can just fuck right off.

proud traditional roman catholic
but i wish it would stop this gay nonsense and trying to appeal to atheist that burn down churches
but local churches are the GOAT

the catholic church has lost all legitimacy
this is pandering to the new world order
leviticus 20:13