I've noticed on Any Forums that when you reload a picture it appears in better quality every time...

I've noticed on Any Forums that when you reload a picture it appears in better quality every time. So now when I save images from here I reload maybe 3-5 times before saving, on wallpaper boards sometimes 10 times. Does anyone know of software that can automate this??

Attached: 1653537307102.gif (600x338, 1019.08K)

use the malloc program

schizophrenia meds solve this problem

Install firefox.

Wait for the full res version to load you impatient mother fucker.

loud and audible kek.

but he's basically describing how fireshit loads images

jpeg progressive encoding has nothing to do with firefox

I'm imagining an impatient zoomie sitting there mashinf f5 going
>fucksake - why does it take so long to keep getting better

Attached: 44.-Eti-Topkek-Kakaolu-.jpg (1650x1650, 541.27K)

people with severe adhd do not have that kind of patience.
streaming service = adhd
bluray/torrent = not adhd, possible boomer/doomer

If you are still using optical media in 2022, you are a fucking ignorant ape. If you seriously believe that Blu-Ray is anything other than a marketing ploy, you are a moron. If you still go to cinemas, you are a fool. Get with the program, Grandpa. Streaming and downloads are superior to any physical format, in pretty much any way you can imagine.

Attached: 1634142709421.jpg (443x455, 40.02K)


Go on user, tell them how they should ditch their optical drives and physical media to rely exclusively on walled gardens and controlled torrent trackers. Btw loved the bit where you also discourage going outside to watch movies, that was great.

Attached: mrgooz.png (900x900, 248.39K)

>discourage going outside to watch movies
Not him but watching movies in any format is unironically cringe

>watching movies in any format is unironically cringe
this. Movies are nothing but degenerate globohomo propaganda



anything i save from this shithole i run through image editing software to remove the pozzed (and possibly illegal) shit niggercucks are putting in things now
alternatively this based user made a script to do it for you
stay safe

Ok glownigger

Try loading this image over a slow connection.

Attached: apoc2.jpg (1920x1080, 2.17M)

Wouldn't downloading instantly get the original file anyway?

the original

Attached: apoc.jpg (1920x1080, 1.59M)