Linux Techtips

>Linux Techtips
>Always uses windows

I cant be the only one thats bothered by this, right?

Attached: linuxtechtips.jpg (1280x720, 112.73K)

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He's not autistic enough for linux.

he used linux for 10 minutes and managed to delete his DE

why do people watch that retard except for laughs

more like linus miscegenation tips

Did he lose all his data again?

Just for the laughs

Attached: 1651695633099.png (821x810, 934.36K)

his channel is basically a reality show with retards reacting to tech news, which is funny sometimes

In all fairness, apt does not hesitate to gut your OS just because you just want to remove parole.

This dude is a joke who has no idea what he's doing. The fact he's on Any Forums says everything about this board. He's Any Forums tier garbage at most.

Hes literally the OG, the one that started tech videos or reviews on the internet

fucking zoomers man they dont know shit

>the one that started tech videos or reviews on the internet
Nah, that was that one dude who had a TV show and then moved online. Chris something? Can't remember his name. His desk had some blinking lights on top of it. He used to a lot with Windows Vista and then moved to Apple. This guy is just an advertiser who knows fuck all about tech.

Do you think that Chinaman has an affair with Linux's wife?

He's autistic enough to know a thing or two, not enough to not make a mockery of himself when trying to use it unattended all by himself.

I suspect most of his audience is children.

I've met people in tech, at universities, who watch(ed) this e-celeb obvious clickbait marketing shit... I suspect his name misled people (thinking he was Torvalds).

"I need to set up a storage server for my small business."
>option a: Hire a professional or a cloud service.
Pros: Easy to use and upgrade (just pay more), safe, basically the only sane choice for a business without a competent admin.
Cons: Slightly more expensive than DIY.
>option α: DIY Linux/BSD server, using ZFS to give a performant software RAID with moderately easy and very powerful management.
Pros: Safe as long as you do your homework about maintenance, a sane choice for your business if you have a competent admin on staff, best performance, easy to upgrade.
Cons: You need an administrator who is at least slightly competent with zfs and Linux/BSD.
option ᚠ: DIY Windows server, using raid0 NTFS over a bunch of random RAID5 cards.
Pros: You can play video games on your server.
Cons: I'm not sure where to begin.

Guess which option this guy picked.

>I suspect his name misled people (thinking he was Torvalds).
How fucking autistic are you? LTT has been mainstream shit for a decade and seen by every gamer kid and his dad. No-one except software devs or engineers know who Linus Torvalds is.

I was talking about CompSci undergrads. Can you read?

>lose all your data and only manage to salvage the situation because a data recovery company works their magic
>set up a proper server
>be cheapskate even though sponsors literally just donated all the hardware to you, set up a sixty drive server with only one parity drive
>never ever do maintenance on it
>a drive fails
>a second drive fails, array starts getting slow
>four more drives fail, employees start complaining about performance
>never ever run a zpool status until array is so degraded that the server just outright refuses to run

That's right, they didn't set up a cron job to scrub the drives, and they didn't monitor the status of the thing at all. ZFS can email you if there is any errors, but guess what they didn't set up.

I guarantee you half those people got into compsci in part due to LTT.

Every new thing they can make a video about is another paycheck for the team.

No way, chinaman's wife is WAY hotter than linux's wife

But he could have both.
Also post pic of chinaman's waifu

Linus' wife is rich though. Chinaman's wife is just a beautiful and loving waifu, while Yvonne is a sugar mommy.

he uses windows to avoid video render issues with kernel and graphic cards drivers

Attached: 1653679239740.jpg (720x720, 31.23K)

Hes a joke and the products he reviews are for dumb fat gaymers.