Whats the weirdest rabbit hole you've dived into?

whats the weirdest rabbit hole you've dived into?
>Dark stories of the tunnels underneath Disney Land and Disney World

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Internet or irl?

a former employee, confirmed this by saying, “Under Magic Kingdom there are tons of underground tunnels! I could pop up almost anywhere in the park I wanted! Epcot has a tunnel underneath as well!”

this one was hard to recover from

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probably the polybius brainwashing shit back in the day

Mental illness

primate rage videos on youtube were crazy saw a thread about it on /x/ once and it blew my mind

which one?

I vaguely remember this too!

when i was 13 yo i went to park at night, an there was this tunnel/cave that make me scare the shit up when i was more younger. So i get inside for curiosity (i was with a friend of my age) and found we found some bullet shells, used condoms and a satanic pentagram on a wall, it was very dark and very cold, in addition that cave was on the border of a lake so the floor was cracked and there was a lot of water. We both knew that park was a meeting point for a lot of witches and dark cults

Ahoy! Put up a video some time ago about that, it’s a pretty neat feature

that or you might had stumbled upon the art work of a cracked out hobo

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Body dysmorphia, OCD’s, ADHD, Dysthemia, social phobia, misophonia. I've seen endless gore, people getting killed, raped, violated. I've even been on the beating side a few times But the discomfort certain types of OCD causes can be well enough to forget your own reality,
Just generally loosing touch with things through illness is the darkest rabbit hole anyone can go down


Dandelion. A film made by a dude with schizophrenia over six years as he tries to treat his illness with mushrooms and LSD. Supposedly, he strangles a woman and cuts her up, adding it to the film in tiny intervals. Then eventually, starts "seeing demons" and eventually removes his own face on tape, dying in the process.

The rabbit hole part was that he had been involved in government treatment programs, and had claimed to have been used as a test subject for interdimensional travel after returning from Vietnam.

Never saw the film, so it's probably bullshit, but I spent hours in newsgroups in the late 90s reading about it.

Logposting. What you see here on Any Forums is just the tip of the iceberg.

I learned recently that “Daisy’s Destruction” is real… so who knows, maybe This Dandelion film is real too.

a lot of the humans on earth are soulless constructs meant to guide us astray, they’re the Golems of the Old Testament

pre-gnostic archons are demons/aliens like the one named Lam contacted by Aleister Crowley, and they will return to earth soon

Barak Obama was a The Omen style demon plant from the cult of subuud located in Indonesia, his father was the cult leader, and he is the embodiment of Abaddon

and also, in case this wasn’t obvious enough, we’ve never been to the fucking moon

Ofcourse its real, where did you heard of it that made you think it wasn't?

Also did you see it?

ok loser then how did they fake it?

RVs of testing at kindergarten?
Always wondered why they kept testing me

Stanley Kubrick filmed it in a government facility, likely a military base. Mind you this is the same man who produced the groundbreaking 2001 : A Space Odyssey, it’s not that far fetched. Also do you really think they had a desk phone to communicate with people in space without any delay? And they “lost” the tech to return? Use your brain user

ya sure he did

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he also confessed on video to doing it, nobody took him seriously though. explain to me why we can’t return to the moon

makes sense, for all the electrical and plumbing that place would need

what the shit is that